Displaying 621 – 640 of 643

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Extremal perturbations of semi-Fredholm operators

Thorsten Kröncke (1998)

Studia Mathematica

Let T be a bounded operator on an infinite-dimensional Banach space X and Ω a compact subset of the semi-Fredholm domain of T. We construct a finite rank perturbation F such that min[dim N(T+F-λ), codim R(T+F-λ)] = 0 for all λ ∈ Ω, and which is extremal in the sense that F² = 0 and rank F = max{min[dim N(T-λ), codim R(T-λ)] : λ ∈ Ω.

Extreme compact operators from Orlicz spaces to C ( Ω )

Shutao Chen, Marek Wisła (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let E ϕ ( μ ) be the subspace of finite elements of an Orlicz space endowed with the Luxemburg norm. The main theorem says that a compact linear operator T : E ϕ ( μ ) C ( Ω ) is extreme if and only if T * ω Ext B ( ( E ϕ ( μ ) ) * ) on a dense subset of Ω , where Ω is a compact Hausdorff topological space and T * ω , x = ( T x ) ( ω ) . This is done via the description of the extreme points of the space of continuous functions C ( Ω , L ϕ ( μ ) ) , L ϕ ( μ ) being an Orlicz space equipped with the Orlicz norm (conjugate to the Luxemburg one). There is also given a theorem on closedness of the set of extreme...

Extreme points of the complex binary trilinear ball

Fernando Cobos, Thomas Kühn, Jaak Peetre (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize all the extreme points of the unit ball in the space of trilinear forms on the Hilbert space 2 . This answers a question posed by R. Grząślewicz and K. John [7], who solved the corresponding problem for the real Hilbert space 2 . As an application we determine the best constant in the inequality between the Hilbert-Schmidt norm and the norm of trilinear forms.

Currently displaying 621 – 640 of 643