Displaying 661 – 680 of 1573

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On singular integrals of Calderón-type in Rn and BMO.

Steve Hofmann (1994)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove Lp (and weighted Lp) bounds for singular integrals of the formp.v.  ∫Rn E (A(x) - A(y) / |x - y|) (Ω(x - y) / |x - y|n) f(y) dy,where E(t) = cos t if Ω is odd, and E(t) = sin t if Ω is even, and where ∇ A ∈ BMO. Even in the case that Ω is smooth, the theory of singular integrals with rough kernels plays a key role in the proof. By standard techniques, the trigonometric function E can then be replaced by a large class of smooth functions F. Some related operators are also considered. As...

On smoothing properties of transition semigroups associated to a class of SDEs with jumps

Seiichiro Kusuoka, Carlo Marinelli (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We prove smoothing properties of nonlocal transition semigroups associated to a class of stochastic differential equations (SDE) in d driven by additive pure-jump Lévy noise. In particular, we assume that the Lévy process driving the SDE is the sum of a subordinated Wiener process Y (i.e. Y = W T , where T is an increasing pure-jump Lévy process starting at zero and independent of the Wiener process W ) and of an arbitrary Lévy process independent of Y , that the drift coefficient is continuous (but not...

On solutions of integral equations with analytic kernels and rotations

Nguyen Van Mau, Nguyen Minh Tuan (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We deal with a class of integral equations on the unit circle in the complex plane with a regular part and with rotations of the form (*)     x(t) + a(t)(Tx)(t) = b(t), where T = M n , k . . . M n m , k m and M n j , k j are of the form (3) below. We prove that under some assumptions on analytic continuation of the given functions, (*) is a singular integral equation for m odd and is a Fredholm equation for m even. Further, we prove that T is an algebraic operator with characteristic polynomial P T ( t ) = t ³ - t . By means of the Riemann boundary value...

On solvability of nonlinear boundary value problems for the equation ( x ' + g ( t , x , x ' ) ) ' = f ( t , x , x ' ) with one-sided growth restrictions on f

Staněk, Svatoslav (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

We consider boundary value problems for second order differential equations of the form ( x ' + g ( t , x , x ' ) ) ' = f ( t , x , x ' ) with the boundary conditions r ( x ( 0 ) , x ' ( 0 ) , x ( T ) ) + ϕ ( x ) = 0 , w ( x ( 0 ) , x ( T ) , x ' ( T ) ) + ψ ( x ) = 0 , where g , r , w are continuous functions, f satisfies the local Carathéodory conditions and ϕ , ψ are continuous and nondecreasing functionals. Existence results are proved by the method of lower and upper functions and applying the degree theory for α -condensing operators.

On solvability of nonlinear operator equations and eigenvalues of homogeneous operators

Věra Burýšková, Slavomír Burýšek (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

Notions as the numerical range W ( S , T ) and the spectrum ( S , T ) of couple ( S , T ) of homogeneous operators on a Banach space are used to derive theorems on solvability of the equation S x - l T x = y . Conditions for the existence of eigenvalues of the couple ( S , T ) are given.

On solvability of the cohomology equation in function spaces

Ryotaro Sato (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Let T be an endomorphism of a probability measure space (Ω,𝓐,μ), and f be a real-valued measurable function on Ω. We consider the cohomology equation f = h ∘ T - h. Conditions for the existence of real-valued measurable solutions h in some function spaces are deduced. The results obtained generalize and improve a recent result of Alonso, Hong and Obaya.

On some alternative forms equivalent to Kruskal's condition for OLSE to be BLUE.

Gabriela Beganu (2007)


The necessary and sufficient condition for the ordinary least squares estimators (OLSE) to be the best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE) of the expected mean in the general univariate linear regression model was given by Kruskal (1968) using a coordinate-free approach. The purpose of this article is to present in the same manner some alternative forms of this condition and to prove two of the Haberman’s equivalent conditions in a different and simpler way. The results obtained in the general univariate...

Currently displaying 661 – 680 of 1573