Displaying 61 – 80 of 200

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Beyond the classical Weyl and Colin de Verdière’s formulas for Schrödinger operators with polynomial magnetic and electric fields

Mitya Boyarchenko, Sergei Levendorski (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We present a pair of conjectural formulas that compute the leading term of the spectral asymptotics of a Schrödinger operator on L 2 ( n ) with quasi-homogeneous polynomial magnetic and electric fields. The construction is based on the orbit method due to Kirillov. It makes sense for any nilpotent Lie algebra and is related to the geometry of coadjoint orbits, as well as to the growth properties of certain “algebraic integrals,” studied by Nilsson. By using the direct variational method, we prove that the...

B-Fredholm and Drazin invertible operators through localized SVEP

M. Amouch, H. Zguitti (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let X be a Banach space and T be a bounded linear operator on X . We denote by S ( T ) the set of all complex λ such that T does not have the single-valued extension property at λ . In this note we prove equality up to S ( T ) between the left Drazin spectrum, the upper semi-B-Fredholm spectrum and the semi-essential approximate point spectrum. As applications, we investigate generalized Weyl’s theorem for operator matrices and multiplier operators.

Biduals of tensor products in operator spaces

Verónica Dimant, Maite Fernández-Unzueta (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We study whether the operator space V * * α W * * can be identified with a subspace of the bidual space ( V α W ) * * , for a given operator space tensor norm. We prove that this can be done if α is finitely generated and V and W are locally reflexive. If in addition the dual spaces are locally reflexive and the bidual spaces have the completely bounded approximation property, then the identification is through a complete isomorphism. When α is the projective, Haagerup or injective norm, the hypotheses can be weakened.

Bifurcation of free vibrations for completely resonant wave equations

Massimiliano Berti, Philippe Bolle (2004)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We prove existence of small amplitude, 2p/v-periodic in time solutions of completely resonant nonlinear wave equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions for any frequency ω belonging to a Cantor-like set of positive measure and for a generic set of nonlinearities. The proof relies on a suitable Lyapunov-Schmidt decomposition and a variant of the Nash-Moser Implicit Function Theorem.

Bifurcation theorems for nonlinear problems with lack of compactness

Francesca Faraci, Roberto Livrea (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We deal with a bifurcation result for the Dirichlet problem ⎧ - Δ p u = μ / | x | p | u | p - 2 u + λ f ( x , u ) a.e. in Ω, ⎨ ⎩ u | Ω = 0 . Starting from a weak lower semicontinuity result by E. Montefusco, which allows us to apply a general variational principle by B. Ricceri, we prove that, for μ close to zero, there exists a positive number λ * μ such that for every λ ] 0 , λ * μ [ the above problem admits a nonzero weak solution u λ in W 1 , p ( Ω ) satisfying l i m λ 0 | | u λ | | = 0 .

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 200