Displaying 121 – 140 of 1123

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Semigroups with nonquasianalytic growth

Phóng Vũ (1993)

Studia Mathematica

We study asymptotic behavior of C 0 -semigroups T(t), t ≥ 0, such that ∥T(t)∥ ≤ α(t), where α(t) is a nonquasianalytic weight function. In particular, we show that if σ(A) ∩ iℝ is countable and Pσ(A*) ∩ iℝ is empty, then l i m t 1 / α ( t ) T ( t ) x = 0 , ∀x ∈ X. If, moreover, f is a function in L α 1 ( + ) which is of spectral synthesis in a corresponding algebra L α 1 1 ( ) with respect to (iσ(A)) ∩ ℝ, then l i m t 1 / α ( t ) T ( t ) f ̂ ( T ) = 0 , where f ̂ ( T ) = ʃ 0 f ( t ) T ( t ) d t . Analogous results are obtained also for iterates of a single operator. The results are extensions of earlier results of Katznelson-Tzafriri,...

Semilinear Cauchy Problems with Almost Sectorial Operators

Tomasz Dlotko (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Existence of a mild solution to a semilinear Cauchy problem with an almost sectorial operator is studied. Under additional regularity assumptions on the nonlinearity and initial data we also prove the existence of a classical solution to this problem. An example of a parabolic problem in Hölder spaces illustrates the abstract result.

Semilinear perturbations of Hille-Yosida operators

Horst R. Thieme, Hauke Vosseler (2003)

Banach Center Publications

The semilinear Cauchy problem (1) u’(t) = Au(t) + G(u(t)), u ( 0 ) = x D ( A ) ¯ , with a Hille-Yosida operator A and a nonlinear operator G: D(A) → X is considered under the assumption that ||G(x) - G(y)|| ≤ ||B(x -y )|| ∀x,y ∈ D(A) with some linear B: D(A) → X, B ( λ - A ) - 1 x = λ 0 e - λ t V ( s ) x d s , where V is of suitable small strong variation on some interval [0,ε). We will prove the existence of a semiflow on [ 0 , ) × D ( A ) ¯ that provides Friedrichs solutions in L₁ for (1). If X is a Banach lattice, we replace the condition above by |G(x) - G(y)| ≤ Bv whenever...

Semilinear relations and *-representations of deformations of so(3)

Yuriĭ Samoĭlenko, Lyudmila Turowska (1997)

Banach Center Publications

We study a family of commuting selfadjoint operators = ( A k ) k = 1 n , which satisfy, together with the operators of the family = ( B j ) j = 1 n , semilinear relations i f i j ( ) B j g i j ( ) = h ( ) , ( f i j , g i j , h j : n are fixed Borel functions). The developed technique is used to investigate representations of deformations of the universal enveloping algebra U(so(3)), in particular, of some real forms of the Fairlie algebra U q ' ( s o ( 3 ) ) .

Semivariation in L p -spaces

Brian Jefferies, Susumu Okada (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Suppose that X and Y are Banach spaces and that the Banach space X ^ τ Y is their complete tensor product with respect to some tensor product topology τ . A uniformly bounded X -valued function need not be integrable in X ^ τ Y with respect to a Y -valued measure, unless, say, X and Y are Hilbert spaces and τ is the Hilbert space tensor product topology, in which case Grothendieck’s theorem may be applied. In this paper, we take an index 1 p < and suppose that X and Y are L p -spaces with τ p the associated L p -tensor product...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 1123