Displaying 141 – 160 of 1123

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Separable solutions of quasilinear Lane–Emden equations

Alessio Porretta, Laurent Véron (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For 0 < p - 1 < q and either ϵ = 1 or ϵ = - 1 , we prove the existence of solutions of - Δ p u = ϵ u q in a cone C S , with vertex 0 and opening S , vanishing on C S , of the form u ( x ) = x - β ω ( x / x ) . The problem reduces to a quasilinear elliptic equation on S and the existence proof is based upon degree theory and homotopy methods. We also obtain a nonexistence result in some critical case by making use of an integral type identity.

Separate and joint similarity to families of normal operators

Piotr Niemiec (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Sets of bounded linear operators , ⊂ ℬ(H) (ℋ is a Hilbert space) are similar if there exists an invertible (in ℬ(H)) operator G such that G - 1 · · G = . A bounded operator is scalar if it is similar to a normal operator. is jointly scalar if there exists a set ⊂ ℬ(H) of normal operators such that and are similar. is separately scalar if all its elements are scalar. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for joint scalarity of a separately scalar abelian set of Hilbert space operators are presented (Theorems...

Separately radial and radial Toeplitz operators on the projective space and representation theory

Raul Quiroga-Barranco, Armando Sanchez-Nungaray (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider separately radial (with corresponding group 𝕋 n ) and radial (with corresponding group U ( n ) ) symbols on the projective space n ( ) , as well as the associated Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman spaces. It is known that the C * -algebras generated by each family of such Toeplitz operators are commutative (see R. Quiroga-Barranco and A. Sanchez-Nungaray (2011)). We present a new representation theoretic proof of such commutativity. Our method is easier and more enlightening as it shows that the...

Sequences of differential operators: exponentials, hypercyclicity and equicontinuity

L. Bernal-González, J. A. Prado-Tendero (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

An eigenvalue criterion for hypercyclicity due to the first author is improved. As a consequence, some new sufficient conditions for a sequence of infinite order linear differential operators to be hypercyclic on the space of holomorphic functions on certain domains of N are shown. Moreover, several necessary conditions are furnished. The equicontinuity of a family of operators as above is also studied, and it is characterized if the domain is N . The results obtained extend or improve earlier work...

Sequential closedness of Boolean algebras of projections in Banach spaces

D. H. Fremlin, B. de Pagter, W. J. Ricker (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Complete and σ-complete Boolean algebras of projections acting in a Banach space were introduced by W. Bade in the 1950's. A basic fact is that every complete Boolean algebra of projections is necessarily a closed set for the strong operator topology. Here we address the analogous question for σ-complete Boolean algebras: are they always a sequentially closed set for the strong operator topology? For the atomic case the answer is shown to be affirmative. For the general case, we develop criteria...

Sequentially Right Banach spaces of order p

Mahdi Dehghani, Mohammad B. Dehghani, Mohammad S. Moshtaghioun (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduce and study two new classes of Banach spaces, the so-called sequentially Right Banach spaces of order p , and those defined by the dual property, the sequentially Right * Banach spaces of order p for 1 p . These classes of Banach spaces are characterized by the notions of L p -limited sets in the corresponding dual space and R p * subsets of the involved Banach space, respectively. In particular, we investigate whether the injective tensor product of a Banach space X and a reflexive Banach space...

Sets in the ranges of nonlinear accretive operators in Banach spaces

Athanassios Kartsatos (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a real Banach space and G ⊂ X open and bounded. Assume that one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) X* is uniformly convex and T:Ḡ→ X is demicontinuous and accretive; (ii) T:Ḡ→ X is continuous and accretive; (iii) T:X ⊃ D(T)→ X is m-accretive and Ḡ ⊂ D(T). Assume, further, that M ⊂ X is pathwise connected and such that M ∩ TG ≠ ∅ and M T ( G ) ¯ = . Then M T G ¯ . If, moreover, Case (i) or (ii) holds and T is of type ( S 1 ) , or Case (iii) holds and T is of type ( S 2 ) , then M ⊂ TG. Various results of Morales,...

Sets of p-multiplicity in locally compact groups

I. G. Todorov, L. Turowska (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We initiate the study of sets of p-multiplicity in locally compact groups and their operator versions. We show that a closed subset E of a second countable locally compact group G is a set of p-multiplicity if and only if E * = ( s , t ) : t s - 1 E is a set of operator p-multiplicity. We exhibit examples of sets of p-multiplicity, establish preservation properties for unions and direct products, and prove a p-version of the Stone-von Neumann Theorem.

Sets with doubleton sections, good sets and ergodic theory

A. Kłopotowski, M. G. Nadkarni, H. Sarbadhikari, S. M. Srivastava (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A Borel subset of the unit square whose vertical and horizontal sections are two-point sets admits a natural group action. We exploit this to discuss some questions about Borel subsets of the unit square on which every function is a sum of functions of the coordinates. Connection with probability measures with prescribed marginals and some function algebra questions is discussed.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 1123