Displaying 161 – 180 of 218

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On α(·)-monotone multifunctions and differentiability of γ-paraconvex functions

S. Rolewicz (1999)

Studia Mathematica

Let (X,d) be a metric space. Let Φ be a family of real-valued functions defined on X. Sufficient conditions are given for an α(·)-monotone multifunction Γ : X 2 Φ to be single-valued and continuous on a weakly angle-small set. As an application it is shown that a γ-paraconvex function defined on an open convex subset of a Banach space having separable dual is Fréchet differentiable on a residual set.

Perturbed Hammerstein integral inclusions with solutions that change sign

Gennaro Infante, Paolamaria Pietramala (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We establish new existence results for nontrivial solutions of some integral inclusions of Hammerstein type, that are perturbed with an affine functional. In order to use a theory of fixed point index for multivalued mappings, we work in a cone of continuous functions that are positive on a suitable subinterval of [ 0 , 1 ] . We also discuss the optimality of some constants that occur in our theory. We improve, complement and extend previous results in the literature.

Perturbed Proximal Point Algorithm with Nonquadratic Kernel

Brohe, M., Tossings, P. (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

Let H be a real Hilbert space and T be a maximal monotone operator on H. A well-known algorithm, developed by R. T. Rockafellar [16], for solving the problem (P) ”To find x ∈ H such that 0 ∈ T x” is the proximal point algorithm. Several generalizations have been considered by several authors: introduction of a perturbation, introduction of a variable metric in the perturbed algorithm, introduction of a pseudo-metric in place of the classical regularization, . . . We summarize some of these extensions...


Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, Ewa Girejko (2006)

Control and Cybernetics

Properties of generalized set-valued stochastic integrals

Michał Kisielewicz (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

The paper is devoted to properties of generalized set-valued stochastic integrals defined in [10]. These integrals generalize set-valued stochastic integrals defined by E.J. Jung and J.H. Kim in the paper [4]. Up to now we were not able to construct any example of set-valued stochastic processes, different on a singleton, having integrably bounded set-valued integrals defined in [4]. It was shown by M. Michta (see [11]) that in the general case set-valued stochastic integrals defined by E.J. Jung...

Random coincidence degree theory with applications to random differential inclusions

Enayet U, Tarafdar, P. Watson, George Xian-Zhi Yuan (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The aim of this paper is to establish a random coincidence degree theory. This degree theory possesses all the usual properties of the deterministic degree theory such as existence of solutions, excision and Borsuk’s odd mapping theorem. Our degree theory provides a method for proving the existence of random solutions of the equation L x N ( ω , x ) where L : dom L X Z is a linear Fredholm mapping of index zero and N : Ω × G ¯ 2 Z is a noncompact Carathéodory mapping. Applications to random differential inclusions are also considered.

Reaction-diffusion systems: Destabilizing effect of conditions given by inclusions

Jan Eisner (2000)

Mathematica Bohemica

Sufficient conditions for destabilizing effects of certain unilateral boundary conditions and for the existence of bifurcation points for spatial patterns to reaction-diffusion systems of the activator-inhibitor type are proved. The conditions are related with the mollification method employed to overcome difficulties connected with empty interiors of appropriate convex cones.

Reaction-diffusion systems: Destabilizing effect of conditions given by inclusions II, Examples

Jan Eisner (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

The destabilizing effect of four different types of multivalued conditions describing the influence of semipermeable membranes or of unilateral inner sources to the reaction-diffusion system is investigated. The validity of the assumptions sufficient for the destabilization which were stated in the first part is verified for these cases. Thus the existence of points at which the spatial patterns bifurcate from trivial solutions is proved.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 218