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Uniqueness results for operators in the variational sequence

W. M. Mikulski (2009)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove that the most interesting operators in the Euler-Lagrange complex from the variational bicomplex in infinite order jet spaces are determined up to multiplicative constant by the naturality requirement, provided the fibres of fibred manifolds have sufficiently large dimension. This result clarifies several important phenomena of the variational calculus on fibred manifolds.

Variational calculus on Lie algebroids

Eduardo Martínez (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

It is shown that the Lagrange's equations for a Lagrangian system on a Lie algebroid are obtained as the equations for the critical points of the action functional defined on a Banach manifold of curves. The theory of Lagrangian reduction and the relation with the method of Lagrange multipliers are also studied.

Variational principles and symmetries on fibered multisymplectic manifolds

Jordi Gaset, Pedro D. Prieto-Martínez, Narciso Román-Roy (2016)

Communications in Mathematics

The standard techniques of variational calculus are geometrically stated in the ambient of fiber bundles endowed with a (pre)multisymplectic structure. Then, for the corresponding variational equations, conserved quantities (or, what is equivalent, conservation laws), symmetries, Cartan (Noether) symmetries, gauge symmetries and different versions of Noether's theorem are studied in this ambient. In this way, this constitutes a general geometric framework for all these topics that includes, as special...

Wetting on rough surfaces and contact angle hysteresis: numerical experiments based on a phase field model

Alessandro Turco, François Alouges, Antonio DeSimone (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a phase field approach to wetting problems, related to the minimization of capillary energy. We discuss in detail both the Γ-convergence results on which our numerical algorithm are based, and numerical implementation. Two possible choices of boundary conditions, needed to recover Young's law for the contact angle, are presented. We also consider an extension of the classical theory of capillarity, in which the introduction of a dissipation mechanism can explain and predict the hysteresis...

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