Displaying 2081 – 2100 of 2730

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The contributions of Hilbert and Dehn to non-archimedean geometries and their impact on the italian school

Cinzia Cerroni (2007)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

In this paper we investigate the contribution of Dehn to the development of non-Archimedean geometries. We will see that it is possible to construct some models of non-Archimedean geometries in order to prove the independence of the continuity axiom and we will study the interrelations between Archimedes’ axiom and Legendre’s theorems. Some of these interrelations were also studied by Bonola, who was one of the very few Italian scholars to appreciate Dehn’s work. We will see that, if Archimedes’...

The cross-ratio in Hjelmslev planes

Rastislav Jurga (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

The cross-ratio in Hjelmslev planes is defined. The cross-ratio in the Hjelmslev plane H ( R ) is independent of the choice of a coordinate system on a line.

The Double Tangency Symmetries in Laguerre Plane

Jarosław Kosiorek, Andrzej Matraś (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

The group generated by double tangency symmetries in a Laguerre plane is investigated. The geometric classification of involutions of a symmetric Laguerre plane is given. We introduce the notion of projective automorphisms using the double tangency and parallel perspectivities. We give the description of the groups of projective automorphisms and automorphisms generated by double tangency symmetries as subgroups of the group M(𝔽,ℝ) of automorphisms of a chain geometry Σ(𝔽,ℝ) following Benz.

The dynamics of two-circle and three-circle inversion

Daniel M. Look (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the dynamics of a map generated via geometric circle inversion. In particular, we define multiple circle inversion and investigate the dynamics of such maps and their corresponding Julia sets.

Currently displaying 2081 – 2100 of 2730