Displaying 501 – 520 of 2516

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Convex hulls, Sticky particle dynamics and Pressure-less gas system

Octave Moutsinga (2008)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

We introduce a new condition which extends the definition of sticky particle dynamics to the case of discontinuous initial velocities u 0 with negative jumps. We show the existence of a stochastic process and a forward flow φ satisfying X s + t = φ ( X s , t , P s , u s ) and d X t = E [ u 0 ( X 0 ) / X t ] d t , where P s = P X s - 1 is the law of X s and u s ( x ) = E [ u 0 ( X 0 ) / X s = x ] is the velocity of particle x at time s 0 . Results on the flow characterization and Lipschitz continuity are also given.Moreover, the map ( x , t ) M ( x , t ) : = P ( X t x ) is the entropy solution of a scalar conservation law t M + x ( A ( M ) ) = 0 where the flux A represents the particles...

Convex sets and inequalities.

Takahasi, Sin-Ei, Takahashi, Yasuji, Miyajima, Shizuo, Takagi, Hiroyuki (2005)

Journal of Inequalities and Applications [electronic only]

Convex universal fixers

Magdalena Lemańska, Rita Zuazua (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In [1] Burger and Mynhardt introduced the idea of universal fixers. Let G = (V, E) be a graph with n vertices and G’ a copy of G. For a bijective function π: V(G) → V(G’), define the prism πG of G as follows: V(πG) = V(G) ∪ V(G’) and E ( π G ) = E ( G ) E ( G ' ) M π , where M π = u π ( u ) | u V ( G ) . Let γ(G) be the domination number of G. If γ(πG) = γ(G) for any bijective function π, then G is called a universal fixer. In [9] it is conjectured that the only universal fixers are the edgeless graphs K̅ₙ. In this work we generalize the concept of universal...

Convexes hyperboliques et fonctions quasisymétriques

Yves Benoist (2003)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

Every bounded convex open set Ω of Rm is endowed with its Hilbert metric dΩ. We give a necessary and sufficient condition, called quasisymmetric convexity, for this metric space to be hyperbolic. As a corollary, when the boundary is real analytic, Ω is always hyperbolic. In dimension 2, this condition is: in affine coordinates, the boundary ∂Ω is locally the graph of a C1 strictly convex function whose derivative is quasisymmetric.

Convexity in subsets of lattices.

Sergei V. Ovchinnikov (1980)


The notion of convex set for subsets of lattices in one particular case was introduced in [1], where it was used to study Paretto's principle in the theory of group choice. This notion is based on a betweenness relation due to Glivenko [2]. Betweenness is used very widely in lattice theory as basis for lattice geometry (see [3], and, especially [4 part 1]).In the present paper the relative notions of convexity are considered for subsets of an arbitrary lattice.In section 1 certain relative notions...

Convexity ranks in higher dimensions

Menachem Kojman (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A subset of a vector space is called countably convex if it is a countable union of convex sets. Classification of countably convex subsets of topological vector spaces is addressed in this paper. An ordinal-valued rank function ϱ is introduced to measure the complexity of local nonconvexity points in subsets of topological vector spaces. Then ϱ is used to give a necessary and sufficient condition for countable convexity of closed sets. Theorem. Suppose that S is a closed subset of a Polish linear...

Currently displaying 501 – 520 of 2516