Displaying 81 – 100 of 192

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Flat 3-webs of degree one on the projective plane

A. Beltrán, M. Falla Luza, D. Marín (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

The aim of this work is to study global 3 -webs with vanishing curvature. We wish to investigate degree 3 foliations for which their dual web is flat. The main ingredient is the Legendre transform, which is an avatar of classical projective duality in the realm of differential equations. We find a characterization of degree 3 foliations whose Legendre transform are webs with zero curvature.

Flats in 3-manifolds

Michael Kapovich (2005)

Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques

Flats in Spaces with Convex Geodesic Bicombings

Dominic Descombes, Urs Lang (2016)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

In spaces of nonpositive curvature the existence of isometrically embedded flat (hyper)planes is often granted by apparently weaker conditions on large scales.We show that some such results remain valid for metric spaces with non-unique geodesic segments under suitable convexity assumptions on the distance function along distinguished geodesics. The discussion includes, among other things, the Flat Torus Theorem and Gromov’s hyperbolicity criterion referring to embedded planes. This generalizes...

Flow prolongation of some tangent valued forms

Antonella Cabras, Ivan Kolář (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the prolongation of semibasic projectable tangent valued k -forms on fibered manifolds with respect to a bundle functor F on local isomorphisms that is based on the flow prolongation of vector fields and uses an auxiliary linear r -th order connection on the base manifold, where r is the base order of F . We find a general condition under which the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket is preserved. Special attention is paid to the curvature of connections. The first order jet functor and the tangent...

Foliated groupoids

Lisiecki, Krzysztof (1990)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] The author defines a general notion of a foliated groupoid over a foliation with singularities, within the framework of a (known) general notion of a differentiable structure. Then, he generalizes the classical correspondence between the subalgebras of Lie algebras and the subgroups of the corresponding Lie groups for this type of pseudogroups.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 192