Displaying 61 – 80 of 553

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Complete classification of parallel Lorentz surfaces in neutral pseudo hyperbolic 4-space

Bang-Yen Chen (2010)

Open Mathematics

A Lorentz surface of an indefinite space form is called a parallel surface if its second fundamental form is parallel with respect to the Van der Waerden-Bortolotti connection. Such surfaces are locally invariant under the reflection with respect to the normal space at each point. Parallel surfaces are important in geometry as well as in general relativity since extrinsic invariants of such surfaces do not change from point to point. Recently, parallel Lorentz surfaces in 4D neutral pseudo Euclidean...

Complete minimal surfaces of arbitrary genus in a slab of 3

Celso J. Costa, Plinio A. Q. Simöes (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper we construct complete minimal surfaces of arbitrary genus in 3 with one, two, three and four ends respectively. Furthermore the surfaces lie between two parallel planes of 3 .

Complete noncompact submanifolds with flat normal bundle

Hai-Ping Fu (2016)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let Mⁿ (n ≥ 3) be an n-dimensional complete super stable minimal submanifold in n + p with flat normal bundle. We prove that if the second fundamental form A of M satisfies M i | A | α < , where α ∈ [2(1 - √(2/n)), 2(1 + √(2/n))], then M is an affine n-dimensional plane. In particular, if n ≤ 8 and M | A | d < , d = 1,3, then M is an affine n-dimensional plane. Moreover, complete strongly stable hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature and finite L α -norm curvature in ℝ⁷ are considered.

Complete spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature

Schi Chang Shu (2008)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we characterize the n -dimensional ( n 3 ) complete spacelike hypersurfaces M n in a de Sitter space S 1 n + 1 with constant scalar curvature and with two distinct principal curvatures one of which is simple.We show that M n is a locus of moving ( n - 1 ) -dimensional submanifold M 1 n - 1 ( s ) , along M 1 n - 1 ( s ) the principal curvature λ of multiplicity n - 1 is constant and M 1 n - 1 ( s ) is umbilical in S 1 n + 1 and is contained in an ( n - 1 ) -dimensional sphere S n - 1 ( c ( s ) ) = E n ( s ) S 1 n + 1 and is of constant curvature ( d { log | λ 2 - ( 1 - R ) | 1 / n } d s ) 2 - λ 2 + 1 ,where s is the arc length of an orthogonal trajectory of the family...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 553