Displaying 421 – 440 of 867

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Compactifications of ℕ and Polishable subgroups of S

Todor Tsankov (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study homeomorphism groups of metrizable compactifications of ℕ. All of those groups can be represented as almost zero-dimensional Polishable subgroups of the group S . As a corollary, we show that all Polish groups are continuous homomorphic images of almost zero-dimensional Polishable subgroups of S . We prove a sufficient condition for these groups to be one-dimensional and also study their descriptive complexity. In the last section we associate with every Polishable ideal on ℕ a certain Polishable...

Compactness and convergence of set-valued measures

Kenny Koffi Siggini (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove criteria for relative compactness in the space of set-valued measures whose values are compact convex sets in a Banach space, and we generalize to set-valued measures the famous theorem of Dieudonné on convergence of real non-negative regular measures.

Compactness and countable compactness in weak topologies

W. Kirk (1995)

Studia Mathematica

A bounded closed convex set K in a Banach space X is said to have quasi-normal structure if each bounded closed convex subset H of K for which diam(H) > 0 contains a point u for which ∥u-x∥ < diam(H) for each x ∈ H. It is shown that if the convex sets on the unit sphere in X satisfy this condition (which is much weaker than the assumption that convex sets on the unit sphere are separable), then relative to various weak topologies, the unit ball in X is compact whenever it is countably compact....

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 867