Displaying 481 – 500 of 838

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Some remarks on Radon-Nikodym compact spaces

Alexander D. Arvanitakis (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The class of quasi Radon-Nikodým compact spaces is introduced. We prove that this class is closed under countable products and continuous images. It includes the Radon-Nikodým compact spaces. Adapting Alster's proof we show that every quasi Radon-Nikodým and Corson compact space is Eberlein. This generalizes earlier results by J. Orihuela, W. Schachermayer, M. Valdivia and C. Stegall. Further the class of almost totally disconnected spaces is defined and it is shown that every quasi Radon-Nikodým...

Some remarks on the product of two C α -compact subsets

Salvador García-Ferreira, Manuel Sanchis, Stephen W. Watson (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For a cardinal α , we say that a subset B of a space X is C α -compact in X if for every continuous function f X α , f [ B ] is a compact subset of α . If B is a C -compact subset of a space X , then ρ ( B , X ) denotes the degree of C α -compactness of B in X . A space X is called α -pseudocompact if X is C α -compact into itself. For each cardinal α , we give an example of an α -pseudocompact space X such that X × X is not pseudocompact: this answers a question posed by T. Retta in “Some cardinal generalizations of pseudocompactness”...

Some remarks providing discontinuous maps on some C p ( X ) spaces

S. Moll (2008)

Banach Center Publications

Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff topological space and C p ( X ) the space of continuous real-valued maps on X endowed with the pointwise topology. A simple and natural argument is presented to show how to construct on the space C p ( X ) , if X contains a homeomorphic copy of the closed interval [0,1], real-valued maps which are everywhere discontinuous but continuous on all compact subsets of C p ( X ) .

Some results and problems about weakly pseudocompact spaces

Oleg Okunev, Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A space X is truly weakly pseudocompact if X is either weakly pseudocompact or Lindelöf locally compact. We prove: (1) every locally weakly pseudocompact space is truly weakly pseudocompact if it is either a generalized linearly ordered space, or a proto-metrizable zero-dimensional space with χ ( x , X ) > ω for every x X ; (2) every locally bounded space is truly weakly pseudocompact; (3) for ω < κ < α , the κ -Lindelöfication of a discrete space of cardinality α is weakly pseudocompact if κ = κ ω .

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 838