Abstract Characterizations of Continuous Functions. (Short Communication).
We show that AC is equivalent to the assertion that every compact completely regular topology can be extended to a compact Tychonoff topology.
Let f be a unimodal map in the logistic or symmetric tent family whose restriction to the omega limit set of the turning point is topologically conjugate to an adding machine. A combinatoric characterization is provided for endpoints of the inverse limit space (I,f), where I denotes the core of the map.
We prove the addition and subspace theorems for asymptotic large inductive dimension. We investigate a transfinite extension of this dimension and show that it is trivial.
It is proved that if a regular space is the union of a finite family of metrizable subspaces then is a -space in the sense of E. van Douwen. It follows that if a regular space of countable extent is the union of a finite collection of metrizable subspaces then is Lindelöf. The proofs are based on a principal result of this paper: every space with a point-countable base is a -space. Some other new results on the properties of spaces which are unions of a finite collection of nice subspaces...