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Interaction between cellularity of Alexandroff spaces and entropy of generalized shift maps

Fatemah Ayatollah Zadeh Shirazi, Sahar Karimzadeh Dolatabad, Sara Shamloo (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In the following text for a discrete finite nonempty set K and a self-map ϕ : X X we investigate interaction between different entropies of generalized shift σ ϕ : K X K X , ( x α ) α X ( x ϕ ( α ) ) α X and cellularities of some Alexandroff topologies on X .

Interpolation of κ -compactness and PCF

István Juhász, Zoltán Szentmiklóssy (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We call a topological space κ -compact if every subset of size κ has a complete accumulation point in it. Let Φ ( μ , κ , λ ) denote the following statement: μ < κ < λ = cf ( λ ) and there is { S ξ : ξ < λ } [ κ ] μ such that | { ξ : | S ξ A | = μ } | < λ whenever A [ κ ] < κ . We show that if Φ ( μ , κ , λ ) holds and the space X is both μ -compact and λ -compact then X is κ -compact as well. Moreover, from PCF theory we deduce Φ ( cf ( κ ) , κ , κ + ) for every singular cardinal κ . As a corollary we get that a linearly Lindelöf and ω -compact space is uncountably compact, that is κ -compact for all uncountable cardinals κ .

Intersection topologies with respect to separable GO-spaces and the countable ordinals

M. Jones (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Given two topologies, T 1 and T 2 , on the same set X, the intersection topologywith respect to T 1 and T 2 is the topology with basis U 1 U 2 : U 1 T 1 , U 2 T 2 . Equivalently, T is the join of T 1 and T 2 in the lattice of topologies on the set X. Following the work of Reed concerning intersection topologies with respect to the real line and the countable ordinals, Kunen made an extensive investigation of normality, perfectness and ω 1 -compactness in this class of topologies. We demonstrate that the majority of his results generalise...

Intersections of essential minimal prime ideals

A. Taherifar (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let 𝒵 ( ) be the set of zero divisor elements of a commutative ring R with identity and be the space of minimal prime ideals of R with Zariski topology. An ideal I of R is called strongly dense ideal or briefly s d -ideal if I 𝒵 ( ) and I is contained in no minimal prime ideal. We denote by R K ( ) , the set of all a R for which D ( a ) ¯ = V ( a ) ¯ is compact. We show that R has property ( A ) and is compact if and only if R has no s d -ideal. It is proved that R K ( ) is an essential ideal (resp., s d -ideal) if and only if is an almost locally compact...

Intersections of minimal prime ideals in the rings of continuous functions

Swapan Kumar Ghosh (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A space X is called μ -compact by M. Mandelker if the intersection of all free maximal ideals of C ( X ) coincides with the ring C K ( X ) of all functions in C ( X ) with compact support. In this paper we introduce φ -compact and φ ' -compact spaces and we show that a space is μ -compact if and only if it is both φ -compact and φ ' -compact. We also establish that every space X admits a φ -compactification and a φ ' -compactification. Examples and counterexamples are given.

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