Displaying 161 – 180 of 838

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Seven characterizations of non-meager 𝖯-filters

Kenneth Kunen, Andrea Medini, Lyubomyr Zdomskyy (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We give several topological/combinatorial conditions that, for a filter on ω, are equivalent to being a non-meager -filter. In particular, we show that a filter is countable dense homogeneous if and only if it is a non-meager -filter. Here, we identify a filter with a subspace of 2 ω through characteristic functions. Along the way, we generalize to non-meager -filters a result of Miller (1984) about -points, and we employ and give a new proof of results of Marciszewski (1998). We also employ a theorem...

Shadowing and expansivity in subspaces

Andrew D. Barwell, Chris Good, Piotr Oprocha (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We address various notions of shadowing and expansivity for continuous maps restricted to a proper subset of their domain. We prove new equivalences of shadowing and expansive properties, we demonstrate under what conditions certain expanding maps have shadowing, and generalize some known results in this area. We also investigate the impact of our theory on maps of the interval.

Shadowing and internal chain transitivity

Jonathan Meddaugh, Brian E. Raines (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The main result of this paper is that a map f: X → X which has shadowing and for which the space of ω-limits sets is closed in the Hausdorff topology has the property that a set A ⊆ X is an ω-limit set if and only if it is closed and internally chain transitive. Moreover, a map which has the property that every closed internally chain transitive set is an ω-limit set must also have the property that the space of ω-limit sets is closed. As consequences of this result, we show that interval maps with...

Shape index and other indices of Conley type for local maps on locally compact Hausdorff spaces

Marian Mrozek (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We present a scheme for constructing various Conley indices for locally defined maps. In particular, we extend the shape index of Robbin and Salamon to the case of a locally defined map in a locally compact Hausdorff space. We compare the shape index with the cohomological Conley index for maps. We also prove the commutativity property of the Conley index, which is analogous to the commutativity property of the fixed point index.

Shape index in metric spaces

Francisco R. Ruiz del Portal, José M. Salazar (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We extend the shape index, introduced by Robbin and Salamon and Mrozek, to locally defined maps in metric spaces. We show that this index is additive. Thus our construction answers in the affirmative two questions posed by Mrozek in [12]. We also prove that the shape index cannot be arbitrarily complicated: the shapes of q-adic solenoids appear as shape indices in natural modifications of Smale's horseshoes but there is not any compact isolated invariant set for any locally defined map in a locally...

Shape theory intrinsically.

Zvonko Cerin (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We prove in this paper that the category HM whose objects are topological spaces and whose morphisms are homotopy classes of multi-nets is naturally equivalent to the shape theory Sh. The description of the category HM was given earlier in the article "Shape via multi-nets". We have shown there that HM is naturally equivalent to Sh only on a rather restricted class of spaces. This class includes all compact metric spaces where a similar intrinsic description of the shape category using multi-valued...

Shape theory of maps.

Zvonko Cerin (1995)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

We shall describe a modification of homotopy theory of maps which we call shape theory of maps. This is accomplished by constructing the shape category of maps HMb. The category HMb is built using multi-valued functions. Its objects are maps of topological spaces while its morphisms are homotopy classes of collections of pairs of multi-valued functions which we call multi-binets. Various authors have previously given other descriptions of shape categories of maps. Our description is intrinsic in...

Sharkovskiĭ's theorem holds for some discontinuous functions

Piotr Szuca (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that the Sharkovskiĭ ordering of periods of a continuous real function is also valid for every function with connected G δ graph. In particular, it is valid for every DB₁ function and therefore for every derivative. As a tool we apply an Itinerary Lemma for functions with connected G δ graph.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 838