Displaying 61 – 80 of 145

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Martin’s Axiom and ω -resolvability of Baire spaces

Fidel Casarrubias-Segura, Fernando Hernández-Hernández, Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that, assuming MA, every crowded T 0 space X is ω -resolvable if it satisfies one of the following properties: (1) it contains a π -network of cardinality < 𝔠 constituted by infinite sets, (2) χ ( X ) < 𝔠 , (3) X is a T 2 Baire space and c ( X ) 0 and (4) X is a T 1 Baire space and has a network 𝒩 with cardinality < 𝔠 and such that the collection of the finite elements in it constitutes a σ -locally finite family. Furthermore, we prove that the existence of a T 1 Baire irresolvable space is equivalent to the existence of...

Measurable cardinals and category bases

Andrzej Szymański (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that the existence of a non-trivial category base on a set of regular cardinality with each subset being Baire is equiconsistent to the existence of a measurable cardinal.

Measures on compact HS spaces

Mirna Džamonja, Kenneth Kunen (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We construct two examples of a compact, 0-dimensional space which supports a Radon probability measure whose measure algebra is isomorphic to the measure algebra of 2 ω 1 . The first construction uses ♢ to produce an S-space with no convergent sequences in which every perfect set is a G δ . A space with these properties must be both hereditarily normal and hereditarily countably paracompact. The second space is constructed under CH and is both HS and HL.

More on tie-points and homeomorphism in ℕ*

Alan Dow, Saharon Shelah (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A point x is a (bow) tie-point of a space X if X∖x can be partitioned into (relatively) clopen sets each with x in its closure. We denote this as X = A x B where A, B are the closed sets which have a unique common accumulation point x. Tie-points have appeared in the construction of non-trivial autohomeomorphisms of βℕ = ℕ* (by Veličković and Shelah Steprans) and in the recent study (by Levy and Dow Techanie) of precisely 2-to-1 maps on ℕ*. In these cases the tie-points have been the unique fixed point...

Nowhere dense subsets and Booth's Lemma

Viacheslav I. Malykhin (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The following statement is proved to be independent from [ LB + ¬ CH ] : ( * ) Let X be a Tychonoff space with c ( X ) 0 and π w ( X ) < . Then a union of less than of nowhere dense subsets of X is a union of not greater than π w ( X ) of nowhere dense subsets.

On families of Lindelöf and related subspaces of 2 ω

Lúcia Junqueira, Piotr Koszmider (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider the families of all subspaces of size ω₁ of 2 ω (or of a compact zero-dimensional space X of weight ω₁ in general) which are normal, have the Lindelöf property or are closed under limits of convergent ω₁-sequences. Various relations among these families modulo the club filter in [ X ] ω are shown to be consistently possible. One of the main tools is dealing with a subspace of the form X ∩ M for an elementary submodel M of size ω₁. Various results with this flavor are obtained. Another tool used...

On n -thin dense sets in powers of topological spaces

Adam Bartoš (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A subset of a product of topological spaces is called n -thin if every its two distinct points differ in at least n coordinates. We generalize a construction of Gruenhage, Natkaniec, and Piotrowski, and obtain, under CH, a countable T 3 space X without isolated points such that X n contains an n -thin dense subset, but X n + 1 does not contain any n -thin dense subset. We also observe that part of the construction can be carried out under MA.

On powers of Lindelöf spaces

Isaac Gorelic (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We present a forcing construction of a Hausdorff zero-dimensional Lindelöf space X whose square X 2 is again Lindelöf but its cube X 3 has a closed discrete subspace of size 𝔠 + , hence the Lindelöf degree L ( X 3 ) = 𝔠 + . In our model the Continuum Hypothesis holds true. After that we give a description of a forcing notion to get a space X such that L ( X n ) = 0 for all positive integers n , but L ( X 0 ) = 𝔠 + = 2 .

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 145