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Open maps having the Bula property

Valentin Gutev, Vesko Valov (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

An open continuous map f from a space X onto a paracompact C-space Y admits two disjoint closed sets F₀,F₁ ⊂ X with f(F₀) = Y = f(F₁), provided all fibers of f are infinite and C*-embedded in X. Applications are given to the existence of "disjoint" usco multiselections of set-valued l.s.c. mappings defined on paracompact C-spaces, and to special type of factorizations of open continuous maps from metrizable spaces onto paracompact C-spaces. This settles several open questions.

Ordinal products of topological spaces

Vitalij Chatyrko (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The notion of the ordinal product of a transfinite sequence of topological spaces which is an extension of the finite product operation is introduced. The dimensions of finite and infinite ordinal products are estimated. In particular, the dimensions of ordinary products of Smirnov's [S] and Henderson's [He1] compacta are calculated.

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