Displaying 1101 – 1120 of 3052

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Hodge-Bott-Chern decompositions of mixed type forms on foliated Kähler manifolds

Cristian Ida (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The Bott-Chern cohomology groups and the Bott-Chern Laplacian on differential forms of mixed type on a compact foliated Kähler manifold are defined and studied. Also, a Hodge decomposition theorem of Bott-Chern type for differential forms of mixed type is proved. Finally, the case of projectivized tangent bundle of a complex Finsler manifold is discussed.

Holonomy groups of flat manifolds with the R property

Rafał Lutowski, Andrzej Szczepański (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let M be a flat manifold. We say that M has the R property if the Reidemeister number R(f) is infinite for every homeomorphism f: M → M. We investigate relations between the holonomy representation ρ of M and the R property. When the holonomy group of M is solvable we show that if ρ has a unique ℝ-irreducible subrepresentation of odd degree then M has the R property. This result is related to Conjecture 4.8 in [K. Dekimpe et al., Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 34 (2009)].

Holonomy, twisting cochains and characteristic classes

G. Sharygin (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

This paper contains a description of various geometric constructions associated with fibre bundles, given in terms of important algebraic object, the “twisting cochain". Our examples include the Chern-Weil classes, the holonomy representation and the so-called cyclic Chern character of Bismut and others (see [2, 11, 27]), also called the Bismut’s class. The later example is the principal one for us, since we are motivated by the attempt to find an algebraic approach to the Witten’s index formula....

Homological computations in the universal Steenrod algebra

A. Ciampella, L. A. Lomonaco (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the (bigraded) homology of the universal Steenrod algebra Q over the prime field ₂, and we compute the groups H s , s ( Q ) , s ≥ 0, using some ideas and techniques of Koszul algebras developed by S. Priddy in [5], although we presently do not know whether or not Q is a Koszul algebra. We also provide an explicit formula for the coalgebra structure of the diagonal homology D ( Q ) = s 0 H s , s ( Q ) and show that D⁎(Q) is isomorphic to the coalgebra of invariants Γ introduced by W. Singer in [6].

Currently displaying 1101 – 1120 of 3052