Displaying 1281 – 1300 of 3052

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Injective comodules and Landweber exact homology theories

Mark Hovey (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We classify the indecomposable injective E(n)⁎E(n)-comodules, where E(n) is the Johnson-Wilson homology theory. They are suspensions of the J n , r = E ( n ) ( M r E ( r ) ) , where 0 ≤ r ≤ n, with the endomorphism ring of J n , r being E ( r ) ^ * E ( r ) ^ , where E ( r ) ^ denotes the completion of E(r).

Injective models of G -disconnected simplicial sets

Marek Golasiński (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We generalize the results by G.V. Triantafillou and B. Fine on G -disconnected simplicial sets. An existence of an injective minimal model for a complete 𝕀 -algebra is presented, for any E I -category 𝕀 . We then make use of the E I -category 𝒪 ( G , X ) associated with a G -simplicial set X to apply these results to the category of G -simplicial sets.Finally, we describe the rational homotopy type of a nilpotent G -simplicial set by means of its injective minimal model.

Integrating central extensions of Lie algebras via Lie 2-groups

Christoph Wockel, Chenchang Zhu (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The purpose of this paper is to show how central extensions of (possibly infinite-dimensional) Lie algebras integrate to central extensions of étale Lie 2-groups in the sense of [Get09, Hen08]. In finite dimensions, central extensions of Lie algebras integrate to central extensions of Lie groups, a fact which is due to the vanishing of π 2 for each finite-dimensional Lie group. This fact was used by Cartan (in a slightly other guise) to construct the simply connected Lie group associated to each finite-dimensional...

Integration over homogeneous spaces for classical Lie groups using iterated residues at infinity

Magdalena Zielenkiewicz (2014)

Open Mathematics

Using the Berline-Vergne integration formula for equivariant cohomology for torus actions, we prove that integrals over Grassmannians (classical, Lagrangian or orthogonal ones) of characteristic classes of the tautological bundle can be expressed as iterated residues at infinity of some holomorphic functions of several variables. The results obtained for these cases can be expressed as special cases of one formula involving the Weyl group action on the characters of the natural representation of...

Intersection cohomology of reductive varieties

Roy Joshua, Michel Brion (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We extend the methods developed in our earlier work to algorithmically compute the intersection cohomology Betti numbers of reductive varieties. These form a class of highly symmetric varieties that includes equivariant compactifications of reductive groups. Thereby, we extend a well-known algorithm for toric varieties.


John Oprea, Aleksy Tralle (1998)

Banach Center Publications

Currently displaying 1281 – 1300 of 3052