Displaying 61 – 80 of 98

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Relationship among various Vietoris-type and microsimplicial homology theories

Takuma Imamura (2021)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we clarify the relationship among the Vietoris-type homology theories and the microsimplicial homology theories, where the latter are nonstandard homology theories defined by M.C. McCord (for topological spaces), T. Korppi (for completely regular topological spaces) and the author (for uniform spaces). We show that McCord’s and our homology are isomorphic for all compact uniform spaces and that Korppi’s and our homology are isomorphic for all fine uniform spaces. Our homology shares...

Retractions onto the Space of Continuous Divergence-free Vector Fields

Philippe Bouafia (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We prove that there does not exist a uniformly continuous retraction from the space of continuous vector fields onto the subspace of vector fields whose divergence vanishes in the distributional sense. We then generalise this result using the concept of m -charges, introduced by De Pauw, Moonens, and Pfeffer: on any subset X n satisfying a mild geometric condition, there is no uniformly continuous representation operator for m -charges in X .

Some lagrangian invariants of symplectic manifolds

Michel Nguiffo Boyom (2007)

Banach Center Publications

The KV-homology theory is a new framework which yields interesting properties of lagrangian foliations. This short note is devoted to relationships between the KV-homology and the KV-cohomology of a lagrangian foliation. Let us denote by F (resp. V F ) the KV-algebra (resp. the space of basic functions) of a lagrangian foliation F. We show that there exists a pairing of cohomology and homology to V F . That is to say, there is a bilinear map H q ( F , V F ) × H q ( F , V F ) V F , which is invariant under F-preserving symplectic diffeomorphisms....

The cohomology algebra of certain free loop spaces

Toshihiro Yamaguchi, Katsuhiko Kuribayashi (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a simply connected space and LX the space of free loops on X. We determine the mod p cohomology algebra of LX when the mod p cohomology of X is generated by one element or is an exterior algebra on two generators. We also provide lower bounds on the dimensions of the Hodge decomposition factors of the rational cohomology of LX when the rational cohomology of X is a graded complete intersection algebra. The key to both of these results is the identification of an important subalgebra of...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 98