Displaying 41 – 60 of 4976

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A classification of cohomology transfers for ramified covering maps

Marcelo A. Aguilar, Carlos Prieto (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We construct a cohomology transfer for n-fold ramified covering maps. Then we define a very general concept of transfer for ramified covering maps and prove a classification theorem for such transfers. This generalizes Roush's classification of transfers for n-fold ordinary covering maps. We characterize those representable cofunctors which admit a family of transfers for ramified covering maps that have two naturality properties, as well as normalization and stability. This is analogous to Roush's...

A cohomology theory for colored tangles

Carmen Caprau (2014)

Banach Center Publications

We employ the sl(2) foam cohomology to define a cohomology theory for oriented framed tangles whose components are labeled by irreducible representations of U q ( s l ( 2 ) ) . We show that the corresponding colored invariants of tangles can be assembled into invariants of bigger tangles. For the case of knots and links, the corresponding theory is a categorification of the colored Jones polynomial, and provides a tool for efficient computations of the resulting colored invariant of knots and links. Our theory is...

A colored Khovanov bicomplex

Noboru Ito (2014)

Banach Center Publications

In this note, we prove the existence of a tri-graded Khovanov-type bicomplex (Theorem 1.2). The graded Euler characteristic of the total complex associated with this bicomplex is the colored Jones polynomial of a link. The first grading of the bicomplex is a homological one derived from cabling of the link (i.e., replacing a strand of the link by several parallel strands); the second grading is related to the homological grading of ordinary Khovanov homology; finally, the third grading is preserved...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 4976