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Dynamical zeta functions, congruences in Nielsen theory and Reidemeister torsion

Alexander Fel'shtyn, Richard Hill (1999)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we prove trace formulas for the Reidemeister numbers of group endomorphisms and the rationality of the Reidemeister zeta function in the following cases: the group is finitely generated and the endomorphism is eventually commutative; the group is finite; the group is a direct sum of a finite group and a finitely generated free Abelian group; the group is finitely generated, nilpotent and torsion free. We connect the Reidemeister zeta function of an endomorphism of a direct sum of a...

Dynamics on Character Varieties and Malgrange irreducibility of Painlevé VI equation

Serge Cantat, Frank Loray (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider representations of the fundamental group of the four punctured sphere into SL ( 2 , ) . The moduli space of representations modulo conjugacy is the character variety. The Mapping Class Group of the punctured sphere acts on this space by symplectic polynomial automorphisms. This dynamical system can be interpreted as the monodromy of the Painlevé VI equation. Infinite bounded orbits are characterized: they come from SU ( 2 ) -representations. We prove the absence of invariant affine structure (and invariant...

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