Critical points of solutions of elliptic equations in two variables
Dans ce papier, on définit, dans le cadre des algèbres graduées avec symétries la notion de cup -produit introduite par Steenrod dans [11]. En utilisant le cup 1-produit, on montre que la cohomologie associée à une algèbre graduée avec symétries est une algèbre de Gerstenhaber.
These notes give an introduction to the equivalence problem of sub-Riemannian manifolds. We first introduce preliminaries in terms of connections, frame bundles and sub-Riemannian geometry. Then we arrive to the main aim of these notes, which is to give the description of the canonical grading and connection existing on sub-Riemann manifolds with constant symbol. These structures are exactly what is needed in order to determine if two manifolds are isometric. We give three concrete examples, which...
In the first part (Sections 2 and 3), we give a survey of the recent results on application of singularity theory for curves and surfaces in hyperbolic space. After that we define the hyperbolic canal surface of a hyperbolic space curve and apply the results of the first part to get some geometric relations between the hyperbolic canal surface and the centre curve.
In this paper we study the notions of finite turn of a curve and finite turn of tangents of a curve. We generalize the theory (previously developed by Alexandrov, Pogorelov, and Reshetnyak) of angular turn in Euclidean spaces to curves with values in arbitrary Banach spaces. In particular, we manage to prove the equality of angular turn and angular turn of tangents in Hilbert spaces. One of the implications was only proved in the finite dimensional context previously, and equivalence of finiteness...