Displaying 61 – 80 of 181

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Geodesics and curvature of semidirect product groups

Vizman, Cornelia (2001)

Proceedings of the 20th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Summary: Geodesics and curvature of semidirect product groups with right invariant metrics are determined. In the special case of an isometric semidirect product, the curvature is shown to be the sum of the curvature of the two groups. A series of examples, like the magnetic extension of a group, are then considered.

Geodesics in Asymmetic Metric Spaces

Andrea C. G. Mennucci (2014)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

In a recent paper [17] we studied asymmetric metric spaces; in this context we studied the length of paths, introduced the class of run-continuous paths; and noted that there are different definitions of “length spaces” (also known as “path-metric spaces” or “intrinsic spaces”). In this paper we continue the analysis of asymmetric metric spaces.We propose possible definitions of completeness and (local) compactness.We define the geodesics using as admissible paths the class of run-continuous paths.We...

Geometric classes of Goursat flags and the arithmetics of their encoding by small growth vectors

Piotr Mormul (2004)

Open Mathematics

Goursat distributions are subbundles, of codimension at least 2, in the tangent bundles to manifolds having the flag of consecutive Lie squares of ranks not depending on a point and growing-very slowly-always by 1. The length of a flag thus equals the corank of the underlying distribution. After the works of, among others, Bryant&Hsu (1993), Jean (1996), and Montgomery&Zhitomirskii (2001), the local behaviours of Goursat flags of any fixed length r≥2 are stratified into geometric classes...

Geometric constructions and representations

Wolf, Joseph A. (1991)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]Let G be a connected semisimple Lie group with finite center. In this review article the author describes first the geometric realization of the discrete series representations of G on Dolbeault cohomology spaces and the tempered series of representations of G on partial Dolbeault cohomology spaces. Then he discusses his joint work with Wilfried Schmid on the construction of maximal globalizations of standard Zuckerman modules via geometric quantization....

Geometric heat kernel coefficient for APS-type boundary conditions

Gorm Salomonsen (1998)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

I present an alternative way of computing the index of a Dirac operator on a manifold with boundary and a special family of pseudodifferential boundary conditions. The local version of this index theorem contains a number of divergence terms in the interior, which are higher order heat kernel invariants. I will present a way of associating boundary terms to those divergence terms, which are rather local of nature.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 181