Displaying 121 – 140 of 211

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Hodge-Bott-Chern decompositions of mixed type forms on foliated Kähler manifolds

Cristian Ida (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The Bott-Chern cohomology groups and the Bott-Chern Laplacian on differential forms of mixed type on a compact foliated Kähler manifold are defined and studied. Also, a Hodge decomposition theorem of Bott-Chern type for differential forms of mixed type is proved. Finally, the case of projectivized tangent bundle of a complex Finsler manifold is discussed.

Hofer’s metrics and boundary depth

Michael Usher (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We show that if ( M , ω ) is a closed symplectic manifold which admits a nontrivial Hamiltonian vector field all of whose contractible closed orbits are constant, then Hofer’s metric on the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of  ( M , ω ) has infinite diameter, and indeed admits infinite-dimensional quasi-isometrically embedded normed vector spaces. A similar conclusion applies to Hofer’s metric on various spaces of Lagrangian submanifolds, including those Hamiltonian-isotopic to the diagonal in  M × M when M satisfies...

Holomorphic extension maps for spaces of Whitney jets.

Jean Schmets, Manuel Valdivia (2001)


The key result (Theorem 1) provides the existence of a holomorphic approximation map for some space of C∞-functions on an open subset of Rn. This leads to results about the existence of a continuous linear extension map from the space of the Whitney jets on a closed subset F of Rn into a space of holomorphic functions on an open subset D of Cn such that D ∩ Rn = RnF.

Holonomy, twisting cochains and characteristic classes

G. Sharygin (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

This paper contains a description of various geometric constructions associated with fibre bundles, given in terms of important algebraic object, the “twisting cochain". Our examples include the Chern-Weil classes, the holonomy representation and the so-called cyclic Chern character of Bismut and others (see [2, 11, 27]), also called the Bismut’s class. The later example is the principal one for us, since we are motivated by the attempt to find an algebraic approach to the Witten’s index formula....

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 211