Displaying 141 – 160 of 192

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Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schrödinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds. II

Colin Guillarmou, Andrew Hassell (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let M be a complete noncompact manifold of dimension at least 3 and g an asymptotically conic metric on M , in the sense that M compactifies to a manifold with boundary M so that g becomes a scattering metric on M . We study the resolvent kernel ( P + k 2 ) - 1 and Riesz transform T of the operator P = Δ g + V , where Δ g is the positive Laplacian associated to g and V is a real potential function smooth on M and vanishing at the boundary.In our first paper we assumed that P has neither zero modes nor a zero-resonance and showed...


Yves Colin de Verdière (1984/1985)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Restricting the bi-equivariant spectral triple on quantum SU(2) to the Podleś spheres

Elmar Wagner (2011)

Banach Center Publications

It is shown that the isospectral bi-equivariant spectral triple on quantum SU(2) and the isospectral equivariant spectral triples on the Podleś spheres are related by restriction. In this approach, the equatorial Podleś sphere is distinguished because only in this case the restricted spectral triple admits an equivariant grading operator together with a real structure (up to infinitesimals of arbitrary high order). The real structure is expressed by the Tomita operator on quantum SU(2) and it is...

Restrictions of smooth functions to a closed subset

Shuzo Izumi (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We first provide an approach to the conjecture of Bierstone-Milman-Pawłucki on Whitney’s problem on C d extendability of functions. For example, the conjecture is affirmative for classical fractal sets. Next, we give a sharpened form of Spallek’s theorem on flatness.

Revisiting the construction of gap functions for variational inequalities and equilibrium problems via conjugate duality

Liana Cioban, Ernö Csetnek (2013)

Open Mathematics

Based on conjugate duality we construct several gap functions for general variational inequalities and equilibrium problems, in the formulation of which a so-called perturbation function is used. These functions are written with the help of the Fenchel-Moreau conjugate of the functions involved. In case we are working in the convex setting and a regularity condition is fulfilled, these functions become gap functions. The techniques used are the ones considered in [Altangerel L., Boţ R.I., Wanka...

Ricci flow coupled with harmonic map flow

Reto Müller (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We investigate a coupled system of the Ricci flow on a closed manifold M with the harmonic map flow of a map φ from M to some closed target manifold N , t g = - 2 Rc + 2 α φ φ , t φ = τ g φ , where α is a (possibly time-dependent) positive coupling constant. Surprisingly, the coupled system may be less singular than the Ricci flow or the harmonic map flow alone. In particular, we can always rule out energy concentration of  φ a-priori by choosing α large enough. Moreover, it suffices to bound the curvature of  ( M , g ( t ) ) to also obtain control of ...

Riemannian geometries on spaces of plane curves

Peter W. Michor, David Mumford (2006)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study some Riemannian metrics on the space of smooth regular curves in the plane, viewed as the orbit space of maps from S 1 to the plane modulo the group of diffeomorphisms of S 1 , acting as reparametrizations. In particular we investigate the metric, for a constant A > 0 , G c A ( h , k ) : = S 1 ( 1 + A κ c ( θ ) 2 ) h ( θ ) , k ( θ ) | c ' ( θ ) | d θ where κ c is the curvature of the curve c and h , k are normal vector fields to c . The term A κ 2 is a sort of geometric Tikhonov regularization because, for A = 0 , the geodesic distance between any two distinct curves is 0, while for A > 0 the...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 192