Displaying 201 – 220 of 432

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Potentiel markovien récurrent des chaînes de Harris

Jacques Neveu (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous montrons que toute probabilité de transition sur un espace mesurable correspondant à une chaîne de Markov vérifiant la condition de récurrence de Harris, admet au moins un opérateur potentiel positif ; à partir de là, nous développons une théorie du “potentiel logarithmique” pour ces probabilités de transition, en étudiant notamment de manière approfondie un cône de fonctions dites spéciales.

Poverty measures and poverty orderings.

Miguel A. Sordo, Héctor M. Ramos, Carmen D. Ramosm (2007)


We examine the conditions under which unanimous poverty rankings of income distributions can be obtained for a general class of poverty indices. The "per-capita income gap" and the Shorrocks and Thon poverty measures are particular members of this class. The conditions of dominance are stated in terms of comparisons of the corresponding TIP curves and areas.

Power-free values, large deviations, and integer points on irrational curves

Harald A. Helfgott (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let f [ x ] be a polynomial of degree d 3 without roots of multiplicity d or ( d - 1 ) . Erdős conjectured that, if f satisfies the necessary local conditions, then f ( p ) is free of ( d - 1 ) th powers for infinitely many primes p . This is proved here for all f with sufficiently high entropy.The proof serves to demonstrate two innovations: a strong repulsion principle for integer points on curves of positive genus, and a number-theoretical analogue of Sanov’s theorem from the theory of large deviations.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 432