Displaying 201 – 220 of 1120

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Small and large time stability of the time taken for a Lévy process to cross curved boundaries

Philip S. Griffin, Ross A. Maller (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This paper is concerned with the small time behaviour of a Lévy process X . In particular, we investigate thestabilitiesof the times, T ¯ b ( r ) and T b * ( r ) , at which X , started with X 0 = 0 , first leaves the space-time regions { ( t , y ) 2 : y r t b , t 0 } (one-sided exit), or { ( t , y ) 2 : | y | r t b , t 0 } (two-sided exit), 0 b l t ; 1 , as r 0 . Thus essentially we determine whether or not these passage times behave like deterministic functions in the sense of different modes of convergence; specifically convergence in probability, almost surely and in L p . In many instances these are...

Small ball probabilities for stable convolutions

Frank Aurzada, Thomas Simon (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We investigate the small deviations under various norms for stable processes defined by the convolution of a smooth function f : ] 0 , + [ with a real SαS Lévy process. We show that the small ball exponent is uniquely determined by the norm and by the behaviour of f at zero, which extends the results of Lifshits and Simon, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist.41 (2005) 725–752 where this was proved for f being a power function (Riemann-Liouville processes). In the Gaussian case, the same generality as...

Small ball probability estimates in terms of width

Rafał Latała, Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz (2005)

Studia Mathematica

A certain inequality conjectured by Vershynin is studied. It is proved that for any symmetric convex body K ⊆ ℝⁿ with inradius w and γₙ(K) ≤ 1/2 we have γ ( s K ) ( 2 s ) w ² / 4 γ ( K ) for any s ∈ [0,1], where γₙ is the standard Gaussian probability measure. Some natural corollaries are deduced. Another conjecture of Vershynin is proved to be false.

Small deviations of iterated processes in the space of trajectories

Andrei Frolov (2013)

Open Mathematics

We derive logarithmic asymptotics of probabilities of small deviations for iterated processes in the space of trajectories. We find conditions under which these asymptotics coincide with those of processes generating iterated processes. When these conditions fail the asymptotics are quite different.

Small perturbations with large effects on value-at-risk

Manuel L. Esquível, Luís Dimas, João Tiago Mexia, Philippe Didier (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

We show that in the delta-normal model there exist perturbations of the Gaussian multivariate distribution of the returns of a portfolio such that the initial marginal distributions of the returns are statistically undistinguishable from the perturbed ones and such that the perturbed V@R is close to the worst possible V@R which, under some reasonable assumptions, is the sum of the V@Rs of each of the portfolio assets.

Small positive values for supercritical branching processes in random environment

Vincent Bansaye, Christian Böinghoff (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Branching Processes in Random Environment (BPREs) ( Z n : n 0 ) are the generalization of Galton–Watson processes where in each generation the reproduction law is picked randomly in an i.i.d. manner. In the supercritical case, the process survives with positive probability and then almost surely grows geometrically. This paper focuses on rare events when the process takes positive but small values for large times. We describe the asymptotic behavior of ( 1 Z n k | Z 0 = i ) , k , i as n . More precisely, we characterize the exponential...

Smallest singular value of sparse random matrices

Alexander E. Litvak, Omar Rivasplata (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We extend probability estimates on the smallest singular value of random matrices with independent entries to a class of sparse random matrices. We show that one can relax a previously used condition of uniform boundedness of the variances from below. This allows us to consider matrices with null entries or, more generally, with entries having small variances. Our results do not assume identical distribution of the entries of a random matrix and help to clarify the role of the variances of the entries....

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 1120