Displaying 341 – 360 of 721

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The Minlos lemma for positive-definite functions on additive subgroups of n

W. Banaszczyk (1997)

Studia Mathematica

Let H be a real Hilbert space. It is well known that a positive-definite function φ on H is the Fourier transform of a Radon measure on the dual space if (and only if) φ is continuous in the Sazonov topology (resp. the Gross topology) on H. Let G be an additive subgroup of H and let G p c (resp. G b ) be the character group endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on precompact (resp. bounded) subsets of G. It is proved that if a positive-definite function φ on G is continuous in the Gross topology,...

The M/M/1 queue is Bernoulli

Michael Keane, Neil O'Connell (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The classical output theorem for the M/M/1 queue, due to Burke (1956), states that the departure process from a stationary M/M/1 queue, in equilibrium, has the same law as the arrivals process, that is, it is a Poisson process. We show that the associated measure-preserving transformation is metrically isomorphic to a two-sided Bernoulli shift. We also discuss some extensions of Burke's theorem where it remains an open problem to determine if, or under what conditions, the analogue of this result...

The Modified M/G/1 queue

D. G. Tambouratzis (1973)

Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Μαθηματικής Εταιρίας

The monotone Poisson process

Alexander C. R. Belton (2006)

Banach Center Publications

The coefficients of the moments of the monotone Poisson law are shown to be a type of Stirling number of the first kind; certain combinatorial identities relating to these numbers are proved and a new derivation of the Cauchy transform of this law is given. An investigation is begun into the classical Azéma-type martingale which corresponds to the compensated monotone Poisson process; it is shown to have the chaotic-representation property and its sample paths are described.

The MX/M/1 queue with working breakdown

Zaiming Liu, Yang Song (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

In this paper, we consider a batch arrival MX/M/1 queue model with working breakdown. The server may be subject to a service breakdown when it is busy, rather than completely stoping service, it will decrease its service rate. For this model, we analyze a two-dimensional Markov chain and give its quasi upper triangle transition probability matrix. Under the system stability condition, we derive the probability generating function (PGF) of the stationary queue length, and then obtain its stochastic...

The Nagaev-Guivarc’h method via the Keller-Liverani theorem

Loïc Hervé, Françoise Pène (2010)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

The Nagaev-Guivarc’h method, via the perturbation operator theorem of Keller and Liverani, has been exploited in recent papers to establish limit theorems for unbounded functionals of strongly ergodic Markov chains. The main difficulty of this approach is to prove Taylor expansions for the dominating eigenvalue of the Fourier kernels. The paper outlines this method and extends it by stating a multidimensional local limit theorem, a one-dimensional Berry-Esseen theorem, a first-order Edgeworth expansion,...

The notion of randomness from Aristotle to Poincaré

O. B. Sheynin (1991)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Aristotle and even earlier scientist and philosophers attempted to define, or at least to through light upon randomness. The author sketches the attempts to direct concept of randomness into the realm of mathematical science from Aristotle up to Poincaré. He dwells on the various interpretations of randomness that were pronounced in natural science and philosophy, and on the interrelation between necessity and randomness.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 721