Displaying 361 – 380 of 721

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The number of absorbed individuals in branching brownian motion with a barrier

Pascal Maillard (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study supercritical branching Brownian motion on the real line starting at the origin and with constant drift c . At the point x g t ; 0 , we add an absorbing barrier, i.e. individuals touching the barrier are instantly killed without producing offspring. It is known that there is a critical drift c 0 , such that this process becomes extinct almost surely if and only if c c 0 . In this case, if Z x denotes the number of individuals absorbed at the barrier, we give an asymptotic for P ( Z x = n ) as n goes to infinity. If c = c 0 ...

The ODE method for some self-interacting diffusions on ℝd

Aline Kurtzmann (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

The aim of this paper is to study the long-term behavior of a class of self-interacting diffusion processes on ℝd. These are solutions to SDEs with a drift term depending on the actual position of the process and its normalized occupation measure μt. These processes have so far been studied on compact spaces by Benaïm, Ledoux and Raimond, using stochastic approximation methods. We extend these methods to ℝd, assuming a confinement potential satisfying some conditions. These hypotheses on the confinement...

The Operators Aγ = γA + -γA for a Class of Nondissipative Operators A with a Limit of the Corresponding Correlation Function

Borisova, Galina (2003)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47A48, Secondary 60G12In this work we present the operators Aγ = γA + -γA with Re γ = 1/2 in the case of an operator A from the class of nondissipative operators generating nonselfadjoint curves, whose correlation functions have a limit as t → ±∞. The asympthotics of the stationary curves e^(itAγ)f as t → ±∞ onto the absolutely continuous subspace of Aγ are obtained. These asymptotics and the obtained asymptotics in [9] of the nondissipative curves...

The parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment: Basic properties of the quenched Lyapunov exponent

D. Erhard, F. den Hollander, G. Maillard (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In this paper we study the parabolic Anderson equation u ( x , t ) / t = κ 𝛥 u ( x , t ) + ξ ( x , t ) u ( x , t ) , x d , t 0 , where the u -field and the ξ -field are -valued, κ [ 0 , ) is the diffusion constant, and 𝛥 is the discrete Laplacian. The ξ -field plays the role of adynamic random environmentthat drives the equation. The initial condition u ( x , 0 ) = u 0 ( x ) , x d , is taken to be non-negative and bounded. The solution of the parabolic Anderson equation describes the evolution of a field of particles performing independent simple random walks with binary branching: particles jump...

The parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel equation

Kleber Carrapatoso (2014/2015)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

I present in this note recent results on the uniqueness and stability for the parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel equation on the plane, obtained in collaboration with S. Mischler in [11].

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 721