New continuity estimates of geometric sums.
A family of transformations on the set of all probability measures on the real line is introduced, which makes it possible to define new examples of convolutions. The associated central limit theorems are studied, and examples of the limit measures, related to the classical, free and boolean convolutions, are shown.
Sibley and Sempi have constructed metrics on the space of probability distribution functions with the property that weak convergence of a sequence is equivalent to metric convergence. Sibley's work is a modification of Levy's metric, but Sempi's construction is of a different sort. Here we construct a family of metrics having the same convergence properties as Sibley's and Sempi's but which does not appear to be related to theirs in any simple way. Some instances are brought out in which the metrics...
Some properties of the "new better than used in failure rate" (NBUFR) and the "new better than used in expectation" (NBUE) classes of life distributions are given. These properties include moment inequalities and moment generating functions behaviors. In addition, nonparametric estimation and testing of the survival functions of these classes are discussed.
Variants of Khintchine's inequality with coefficients depending on the vector dimension are proved. Equality is attained for different types of extremal vectors. The Schur convexity of certain attached functions and direct estimates in terms of the Haagerup type of functions are also used.
We study the closures of classes of log-concave measures under taking weak limits, linear transformations and tensor products. We investigate which uniform measures on convex bodies can be obtained starting from some class 𝒦. In particular we prove that if one starts from one-dimensional log-concave measures, one obtains no non-trivial uniform mesures on convex bodies.
We study the non-autonomous stochastic Cauchy problem on a real Banach space E, , t ∈ [0,T], U(0) = u₀. Here, is a cylindrical Brownian motion on a real separable Hilbert space H, are closed and densely defined operators from a constant domain (B) ⊂ H into E, denotes the generator of an evolution family on E, and u₀ ∈ E. In the first part, we study existence of weak and mild solutions by methods of van Neerven and Weis. Then we use a well-known factorisation method in the setting of evolution...
We introduce noncommutative extensions of the Fourier transform of probability measures and its logarithm to the algebra (S) of complex-valued functions on the free semigroup S = FS(z,w) on two generators. First, to given probability measures μ, ν with all moments finite, we associate states μ̂, ν̂ on the unital free *-bialgebra (ℬ,ε,Δ) on two self-adjoint generators X,X’ and a projection P. Then we introduce and study cumulants which are additive under the convolution μ̂* ν̂ = μ̂ ⊗ ν̂ ∘ Δ when...