Displaying 41 – 60 of 209

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Finitarily Bernoulli factors are dense

Stephen Shea (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is not known if every finitary factor of a Bernoulli scheme is finitarily isomorphic to a Bernoulli scheme (is finitarily Bernoulli). In this paper, for any Bernoulli scheme X, we define a metric on the finitary factor maps from X. We show that for any finitary map f: X → Y, there exists a sequence of finitary maps fₙ: X → Y(n) that converges to f, where each Y(n) is finitarily Bernoulli. Thus, the maps to finitarily Bernoulli factors are dense. Let (X(n)) be a sequence of Bernoulli schemes such...

Finite buffer GI/Geo/ 1 batch servicing queue with multiple working vacations

P. Vijaya Laxmi, Kanithi Jyothsna (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This paper analyzes a discrete-time finite buffer renewal input queue with multiple working vacations where services are performed in batches of maximum size “b”. The service times both during a regular service period and vacation period and vacation times are geometrically distributed. Employing the supplementary variable and imbedded Markov chain techniques, we derive the steady-state queue length distributions at pre-arrival, arbitrary and outside observer’s observation epochs. Based on the queue...

Finite row-column exchangeable arrays

Bruno Bassan, Marco Scarsini (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We generalize well known results about the extendibility of finite exchangeable sequences and provide necessary conditions for finite and infinite extendibility of a finite row-column exchangeable array. These conditions depend in a simple way on the correlation matrix of the array.

Finite time asymptotics of fluid and ruin models: multiplexed fractional Brownian motions case

Krzysztof Dębicki, Grzegorz Sikora (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Motivated by applications in queueing fluid models and ruin theory, we analyze the asymptotics of ( s u p t [ 0 , T ] ( i = 1 n λ i B H i ( t ) - c t ) > u ) , where B H i ( t ) : t 0 , i = 1,...,n, are independent fractional Brownian motions with Hurst parameters H i ( 0 , 1 ] and λ₁,...,λₙ > 0. The asymptotics takes one of three different qualitative forms, depending on the value of m i n i = 1 , . . . , n H i .

Finitely-additive, countably-additive and internal probability measures

Haosui Duanmu, William Weiss (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We discuss two ways to construct standard probability measures, called push-down measures, from internal probability measures. We show that the Wasserstein distance between an internal probability measure and its push-down measure is infinitesimal. As an application to standard probability theory, we show that every finitely-additive Borel probability measure P on a separable metric space is a limit of a sequence of countably-additive Borel probability measures { P n } n in the sense that f d P = lim n f d P n for all bounded...

Fires on trees

Jean Bertoin (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider random dynamics on the edges of a uniform Cayley tree with n vertices, in which edges are either flammable, fireproof, or burnt. Every flammable edge is replaced by a fireproof edge at unit rate, while fires start at smaller rate n - α on each flammable edge, then propagate through the neighboring flammable edges and are only stopped at fireproof edges. A vertex is called fireproof when all its adjacent edges are fireproof. We show that as n , the terminal density of fireproof vertices converges...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 209