Hemigroups of probalitiy measures on a locally compact group.
The following question is due to Marc Yor: Let B be a brownian motion and St=t+Bt. Can we define an -predictable process H such that the resulting stochastic integral (H⋅S) is a brownian motion (without drift) in its own filtration, i.e. an -brownian motion? In this paper we show that by dropping the requirement of -predictability of H we can give a positive answer to this question. In other words, we are able to show that there is a weak solution to Yor’s question. The original question, i.e.,...
In this paper, we explore a connection between binary hierarchical models, their marginal polytopes, and codeword polytopes, the convex hulls of linear codes. The class of linear codes that are realizable by hierarchical models is determined. We classify all full dimensional polytopes with the property that their vertices form a linear code and give an algorithm that determines them.
We consider the hierarchical disordered pinning model studied in (J. Statist. Phys.66 (1992) 1189–1213), which exhibits a localization/delocalization phase transition. In the case where the disorder is i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed), the question of relevance/irrelevance of disorder (i.e. whether disorder changes or not the critical properties with respect to the homogeneous case) is by now mathematically rather well understood (Probab. Theory Related Fields148 (2010) 159–175,...
We consider the problem of estimating the conditional mean of a real gaussian variable Y=∑i=1pθiXi+ɛ where the vector of the covariates (Xi)1≤i≤p follows a joint gaussian distribution. This issue often occurs when one aims at estimating the graph or the distribution of a gaussian graphical model. We introduce a general model selection procedure which is based on the minimization of a penalized least squares type criterion. It handles a variety of problems such as ordered and complete variable selection,...