Hausdorff dimension of cut points for Brownian motion.
It is shown that the Hausdorff dimension of an invariant measure generated by a Poisson driven stochastic differential equation is greater than or equal to 1.
A stochastic process cumulating random increments at random moments is studied. We model it as a two-dimensional random point process and study advantages of such an approach. First, a rather general model allowing for the dependence of both components mutually as well as on covariates is formulated, then the case where the increments depend on time is analyzed with the aid of the multiplicative hazard regression model. Special attention is devoted to the problem of prediction of process behaviour....
Medolla e Setti [6] studiano l'andamento della diffusione del calore generata dal Laplaciano discreto su un albero omogeneo e dimostrano che il calore è asintoticamente concentrato in «anelli» che viaggiano verso l'infinito a velocità lineare e la cui larghezza divisa per tende all'infinito, dove è il tempo. Qui si spiega come un risultato più preciso si ottiene come corollario della legge dei grandi numeri e del teorema del limite centrale per la passeggiata aleatoria sull'albero. Inoltre,...
We construct the heat kernel of the 1/2-order Laplacian perturbed by a first-order gradient term in Hölder spaces and a zero-order potential term in a generalized Kato class, and obtain sharp two-sided estimates as well as a gradient estimate of the heat kernel, where the proof of the lower bound is based on a probabilistic approach.
We consider the fractional Laplacian on an open subset in with zero exterior condition. We establish sharp two-sided estimates for the heat kernel of such a Dirichlet fractional Laplacian in open sets. This heat kernel is also the transition density of a rotationally symmetric -stable process killed upon leaving a open set. Our results are the first sharp twosided estimates for the Dirichlet heat kernel of a non-local operator on open sets.
We give sharp estimates for the transition density of the isotropic stable Lévy process killed when leaving a right circular cone.
We prove two-sided estimates of heat kernels on non-parabolic Riemannian manifolds with ends, assuming that the heat kernel on each end separately satisfies the Li-Yau estimate.
This paper aims at a unified treatment of hedging in market models driven by martingales with deterministic bracket , including Brownian motion and the Poisson process as particular cases. Replicating hedging strategies for European, Asian and Lookback options are explicitly computed using either the Clark-Ocone formula or an extension of the delta hedging method, depending on which is most appropriate.