Displaying 61 – 80 of 310

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Density of paths of iterated Lévy transforms of brownian motion

Marc Malric (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The Lévy transform of a Brownian motion B is the Brownian motion B(1) given by Bt(1) = ∫0tsgn(Bs)dBs; call B(n) the Brownian motion obtained from B by iterating n times this transformation. We establish that almost surely, the sequence of paths (t → Bt(n))n⩾0 is dense in Wiener space, for the topology of uniform convergence on compact time intervals.

Density of paths of iterated Lévy transforms of Brownian motion

Marc Malric (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The Lévy transform of a Brownian motion B is the Brownian motion B(1) given by Bt(1) = ∫0tsgn(Bs)dBs; call B(n) the Brownian motion obtained from B by iterating n times this transformation. We establish that almost surely, the sequence of paths (t → Bt(n))n⩾0 is dense in Wiener space, for the topology of uniform convergence on compact time intervals.

Dependence Measuring from Conditional Variances

Noppadon Kamnitui, Tippawan Santiwipanont, Songkiat Sumetkijakan (2015)

Dependence Modeling

A conditional variance is an indicator of the level of independence between two random variables. We exploit this intuitive relationship and define a measure v which is almost a measure of mutual complete dependence. Unsurprisingly, the measure attains its minimum value for many pairs of non-independent ran- dom variables. Adjusting the measure so as to make it invariant under all Borel measurable injective trans- formations, we obtain a copula-based measure of dependence v* satisfying A. Rényi’s...

Dependent defaults and credit migrations

Tomasz R. Bielecki, Marek Rutkowski (2003)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The paper deals with the modelling of mutually dependent default times of several credit names through the intensity-based approach. We extend to the case of multiple ratings some previous results due to Schmidt (1998), Kusuoka (1999) and Jarrow and Yu (2001). The issue of the arbitrage valuation of simple basket credit derivatives is also briefly examined. We argue that our approach leads, in some cases, to a significant reduction of the dimensionality of the valuation problem at hand.

Dependent Lindeberg central limit theorem and some applications

Jean-Marc Bardet, Paul Doukhan, Gabriel Lang, Nicolas Ragache (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper, a very useful lemma (in two versions) is proved: it simplifies notably the essential step to establish a Lindeberg central limit theorem for dependent processes. Then, applying this lemma to weakly dependent processes introduced in Doukhan and Louhichi (1999), a new central limit theorem is obtained for sample mean or kernel density estimator. Moreover, by using the subsampling, extensions under weaker assumptions of these central limit theorems are provided. All the usual causal...

Derivative of the Donsker delta functionals

Herry Pribawanto Suryawan (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

We prove that derivatives of any finite order of Donsker's delta functionals are well-defined elements in the space of Hida distributions. We also show the convergence to the derivative of Donsker's delta functionals of two different approximations. Finally, we present an existence result of finite product and infinite series of the derivative of the Donsker delta functionals.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 310