Displaying 901 – 920 of 1206

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On the probabilistic multichain Poisson equation

Onésimo Hernández-Lerma, Jean B. Lasserre (2001)

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper introduces necessary and/or sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions (g,h) to the probabilistic multichain Poisson equation (a) g = Pg and (b) g+h-Ph = f, with a given charge f, where P is a Markov kernel (or transition probability function) on a general measurable space. The existence conditions are derived via three different approaches, using (1) canonical pairs, (2) Cesàro averages, and (3) resolvents.

On the proof of the Parisi formula by Guerra and Talagrand

Erwin Bolthausen (2004/2005)

Séminaire Bourbaki

The Parisi formula is an expression for the limiting free energy of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass model, which had first been derived by Parisi using a non-rigorous replica method together with an hierarchical ansatz for the solution of the variational problem. It had become quickly clear that behind the solution, if correct, lies an interesting mathematical structure. The formula has recently been proved by Michel Talagrand based partly on earlier ideas and results by Francesco Guerra....

On the properties of the Generalized Normal Distribution

Thomas L. Toulias, Christos P. Kitsos (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The target of this paper is to provide a critical review and to enlarge the theory related to the Generalized Normal Distributions (GND). This three term (position, scale shape) distribution is based in a strong theoretical background due to Logarithm Sobolev Inequalities. Moreover, the GND is the appropriate one to support the Generalized entropy type Fisher's information measure.

On the queue-size distribution in the multi-server system with bounded capacity and packet dropping

Oleg Tikhonenko, Wojciech M. Kempa (2013)


A multi-server M / M / n -type queueing system with a bounded total volume and finite queue size is considered. An AQM algorithm with the “accepting” function is being used to control the arrival process of incoming packets. The stationary queue-size distribution and the loss probability are derived. Numerical examples illustrating theoretical results are attached as well.

Currently displaying 901 – 920 of 1206