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Lp-theory for the stochastic heat equation with infinite-dimensional fractional noise*

Raluca M. Balan (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this article, we consider the stochastic heat equation d u = ( Δ u + f ( t , x ) ) d t + k = 1 g k ( t , x ) δ β t k , t [ 0 , T ] , with random coefficients f and gk, driven by a sequence (βk)k of i.i.d. fractional Brownian motions of index H>1/2. Using the Malliavin calculus techniques and a p-th moment maximal inequality for the infinite sum of Skorohod integrals with respect to (βk)k, we prove that the equation has a unique solution (in a Banach space of summability exponent p ≥ 2), and this solution is Hölder continuous in both time and space.

Maximal inequalities and space-time regularity of stochastic convolutions

Szymon Peszat, Jan Seidler (1998)

Mathematica Bohemica

Space-time regularity of stochastic convolution integrals J = 0 S(-r)Z(r)W(r) driven by a cylindrical Wiener process W in an L 2 -space on a bounded domain is investigated. The semigroup S is supposed to be given by the Green function of a 2 m -th order parabolic boundary value problem, and Z is a multiplication operator. Under fairly general assumptions, J is proved to be Holder continuous in time and space. The method yields maximal inequalities for stochastic convolutions in the space of continuous...

Maximum principle for forward-backward doubly stochastic control systems and applications

Liangquan Zhang, Yufeng Shi (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The maximum principle for optimal control problems of fully coupled forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equations (FBDSDEs in short) in the global form is obtained, under the assumptions that the diffusion coefficients do not contain the control variable, but the control domain need not to be convex. We apply our stochastic maximum principle (SMP in short) to investigate the optimal control problems of a class of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs in short). And as an example...

Maximum principle for forward-backward doubly stochastic control systems and applications*

Liangquan Zhang, Yufeng Shi (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The maximum principle for optimal control problems of fully coupled forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equations (FBDSDEs in short) in the global form is obtained, under the assumptions that the diffusion coefficients do not contain the control variable, but the control domain need not to be convex. We apply our stochastic maximum principle (SMP in short) to investigate the optimal control problems of a class of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs in short). And as an...

Multiscale Finite Element approach for “weakly” random problems and related issues

Claude Le Bris, Frédéric Legoll, Florian Thomines (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We address multiscale elliptic problems with random coefficients that are a perturbation of multiscale deterministic problems. Our approach consists in taking benefit of the perturbative context to suitably modify the classical Finite Element basis into a deterministic multiscale Finite Element basis. The latter essentially shares the same approximation properties as a multiscale Finite Element basis directly generated on the random problem. The specific reference method that we use is the Multiscale...

Multiscale stochastic homogenization of convection-diffusion equations

Nils Svanstedt (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

Multiscale stochastic homogenization is studied for convection-diffusion problems. More specifically, we consider the asymptotic behaviour of a sequence of realizations of the form u ε ω / t + 1 / ϵ 3 𝒞 T 3 ( x / ε 3 ) ω 3 · u ε ω - div α T 1 ( x / ε 1 ) ω 1 , T 2 ( x / ε 2 ) ω 2 , t u ε ω = f . It is shown, under certain structure assumptions on the random vector field 𝒞 ( ω 3 ) and the random map α ( ω 1 , ω 2 , t ) , that the sequence { u ϵ ω } of solutions converges in the sense of G-convergence of parabolic operators to the solution u of the homogenized problem u / t - div ( ( t ) u ) = f .

Non-autonomous stochastic Cauchy problems in Banach spaces

Mark Veraar, Jan Zimmerschied (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We study the non-autonomous stochastic Cauchy problem on a real Banach space E, d U ( t ) = A ( t ) U ( t ) d t + B ( t ) d W H ( t ) , t ∈ [0,T], U(0) = u₀. Here, W H is a cylindrical Brownian motion on a real separable Hilbert space H, ( B ( t ) ) t [ 0 , T ] are closed and densely defined operators from a constant domain (B) ⊂ H into E, ( A ( t ) ) t [ 0 , T ] denotes the generator of an evolution family on E, and u₀ ∈ E. In the first part, we study existence of weak and mild solutions by methods of van Neerven and Weis. Then we use a well-known factorisation method in the setting of evolution...

Nonlinear parabolic SPDEs involving Dirichlet operators

Tomasz Klimsiak, Andrzej Rozkosz (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We study the problem of existence, uniqueness and regularity of probabilistic solutions of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations involving operators corresponding to regular (nonsymmetric) Dirichlet forms. In the proofs we combine the methods of backward doubly stochastic differential equations with those of probabilistic potential theory and Dirichlet forms.

Note on the internal stabilization of stochastic parabolic equations with linearly multiplicative gaussian noise

Viorel Barbu (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The parabolic equations driven by linearly multiplicative Gaussian noise are stabilizable in probability by linear feedback controllers with support in a suitably chosen open subset of the domain. This procedure extends to Navier − Stokes equations with multiplicative noise. The exact controllability is also discussed.

On a class of Markov type semigroups in spaces of uniformly continuous and bounded functions

Enrico Priola (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We study a new class of Markov type semigroups (not strongly continuous in general) in the space of all real, uniformly continuous and bounded functions on a separable metric space E. Our results allow us to characterize the generators of Markov transition semigroups in infinite dimensions such as the heat and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 316