On a Statistical measure of Discrimination
A kernel estimator of the squared -norm of the intensity function of a Poisson random field is defined. It is proved that the estimator is asymptotically unbiased and strongly consistent. The problem of estimating the squared -norm of a function disturbed by a Wiener random field is also considered.
Many statistical applications require establishing central limit theorems for sums/integrals or for quadratic forms , where Xt is a stationary process. A particularly important case is that of Appell polynomials h(Xt) = Pm(Xt), h(Xt,Xs) = Pm,n (Xt,Xs), since the “Appell expansion rank" determines typically the type of central limit theorem satisfied by the functionals ST(h), QT(h). We review and extend here to multidimensional indices, along lines conjectured in [F. Avram and M.S. Taqqu,...
A four parameter trivariate Poisson distribution is considered. Recurrences for the probabilities and the partial derivatives of the probabilities with respect to the parameters are derived. Solutions of the maximum likelihood equations are obtaired and the determinant of their asymptotic covariance matrix is given. Applications of the maximum likelihood estimation technique to simulated data sets are also examined.
Two adaptive procedures for controlled Markov chains which are based on a nonparametric window estimation are shown.
The paper refers to the research on the characterization of admissible estimators initiated by Cohen [2]. In our paper it is proved that for linear models with finitely generated parameter space the limit of a sequence of the unique locally best linear estimators is admissible. This result is used to give a characterization of admissible linear estimators of fixed and random effects in a random linear model for spatially located sensors measuring intensity of a source of signals in discrete instants...
An important topic in Quantitative Risk Management concerns the modeling of dependence among risk sources and in this regard Archimedean copulas appear to be very useful. However, they exhibit symmetry, which is not always consistent with patterns observed in real world data. We investigate extensions of the Archimedean copula family that make it possible to deal with asymmetry. Our extension is based on the observation that when applied to the copula the inverse function of the generator of an...
Simon and Weiss (1975) consider the formulation of the clinical trial as a selection procedure (Bechhofer, Kiefer and Sobel, 1968). The object of the trial is to choose the better treatment with probability ≥ P*, where P* is assigned, when the difference in success probabilities is ≥ Δ*, Δ* also being assigned. They consider a family of single step allocation methods for the reduction of the number of patients given the poorer treatment. Using numerical results, Simon and Weiss conclude that if...