Displaying 121 – 140 of 840

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A maximum likelihood estimator of an inhomogeneous Poisson point processes intensity using beta splines

Pavel Krejčíř (2000)


The problem of estimating the intensity of a non-stationary Poisson point process arises in many applications. Besides non parametric solutions, e. g. kernel estimators, parametric methods based on maximum likelihood estimation are of interest. In the present paper we have developed an approach in which the parametric function is represented by two-dimensional beta-splines.

A method constructing density functions: the case of a generalized Rayleigh variable

Viorel Gh. Vodă (2009)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we propose a new generalized Rayleigh distribution different from that introduced in Apl. Mat. 47 (1976), pp. 395–412. The construction makes use of the so-called “conservability approach” (see Kybernetika 25 (1989), pp. 209–215) namely, if X is a positive continuous random variable with a finite mean-value E ( X ) , then a new density is set to be f 1 ( x ) = x f ( x ) / E ( X ) , where f ( x ) is the probability density function of X . The new generalized Rayleigh variable is obtained using a generalized form of the exponential...

A method for knowledge integration

Martin Janžura, Pavel Boček (1998)


With the aid of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods we can sample even from complex multi-dimensional distributions which cannot be exactly calculated. Thus, an application to the problem of knowledge integration (e. g. in expert systems) is straightforward.

A microbiology application of the skew-Laplace distribution.

Olga Julià, Josep Vives-Rego (2008)


Flow cytometry scatter are ofen used in microbiology, and their measures are related to bacteria size and granularity. We present an application of the skew-Laplace distribution to flow cytometry data. The goodness of fit is evaluated both graphically and numerically. We also study skewness and kurtosis values to assess usefulness of the skew-Laplace distribution.

A model and application of binary random sequence with probabilities depending on history

Petr Volf, Tomáš Kouřim (2024)


This paper presents a model of binary random sequence with probabilities depending on previous sequence values as well as on a set of covariates. Both these dependencies are expressed via the logistic regression model, such a choice enables an easy and reliable model parameters estimation. Further, a model with time-depending parameters is considered and method of solution proposed. The main objective is then the application dealing with both artificial and real data cases, illustrating the method...

A model for credit scoring: an application of discriminant analysis.

Manuel Artís, Montserrat Guillén, José M.ª Martínez (1994)


The application of statistical techniques in decision making, and more specifically for classification requirements, has proved to be adequate in the context of financial problems. In this study, we present the methodology used and the results obtained in the elaboration of a decision-support system for credit assignment. The problem was to provide an automatic tool for a Spanish financial institution that needed to quantify and analyse credit applications from clients. Firstly, we shall present...

A model for proportions with medical applications

Saralees Nadarajah (2007)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Data that are proportions arise most frequently in biomedical research. In this paper, the exact distributions of R = X + Y and W = X/(X+Y) and the corresponding moment properties are derived when X and Y are proportions and arise from the most flexible bivariate beta distribution known to date. The associated estimation procedures are developed. Finally, two medical data sets are used to illustrate possible applications.

A Modeling Framework For Immune-related Diseases

F. Castiglione, S. Motta, F. Pappalardo, M. Pennisi (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

About twenty five years ago the first discrete mathematical model of the immune system was proposed. It was very simple and stylized. Later, many other computational models have been proposed each one adding a certain level of sophistication and detail to the description of the system. One of these, the Celada-Seiden model published back in 1992, was already mature at its birth, setting apart from the topic-specific nature of the other models. This...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 840