Displaying 141 – 160 of 184

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Local Asymptotic Normality Property for Lacunar Wavelet Series multifractal model*

Jean-Michel Loubes, Davy Paindaveine (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider a lacunar wavelet series function observed with an additive Brownian motion. Such functions are statistically characterized by two parameters. The first parameter governs the lacunarity of the wavelet coefficients while the second one governs its intensity. In this paper, we establish the local and asymptotic normality (LAN) of the model, with respect to this couple of parameters. This enables to prove the optimality of an estimator for the lacunarity parameter, and to build optimal...

Local degeneracy of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods

Kengo Kamatani (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We study asymptotic behavior of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedures. Sometimes the performances of MCMC procedures are poor and there are great importance for the study of such behavior. In this paper we call degeneracy for a particular type of poor performances. We show some equivalent conditions for degeneracy. As an application, we consider the cumulative probit model. It is well known that the natural data augmentation (DA) procedure does not work well for this model and the so-called...

Local estimation of the Hurst index of multifractional brownian motion by increment ratio statistic method

Pierre Raphaël Bertrand, Mehdi Fhima, Arnaud Guillin (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We investigate here the central limit theorem of the increment ratio statistic of a multifractional Brownian motion, leading to a CLT for the time varying Hurst index. The proofs are quite simple relying on Breuer–Major theorems and an original freezing of time strategy. A simulation study shows the goodness of fit of this estimator.

Local linear estimation of conditional cumulative distribution function in the functional data: Uniform consistency with convergence rates

Chaima Hebchi, Abdelhak Chouaf (2021)


In this paper, we investigate the problem of the conditional cumulative of a scalar response variable given a random variable taking values in a semi-metric space. The uniform almost complete consistency of this estimate is stated under some conditions. Moreover, as an application, we use the obtained results to derive some asymptotic properties for the local linear estimator of the conditional quantile.

Local linear estimation of the conditional mode under left truncation for functional regressors

Halima Boudada, Sarra Leulmi (2023)


In this work, we introduce a local linear estimator of the conditional mode for a random real response variable which is subject to left-truncation by another random variable where the covariate takes values in an infinite dimensional space. We first establish both of pointwise and uniform almost sure convergences, with rates, of the conditional density estimator. Then, we deduce the strong consistency of the obtained conditional mode estimator. We finally illustrate the outperformance of our method...

Local polynomial estimation of the mean function and its derivatives based on functional data and regular designs

Karim Benhenni, David Degras (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We study the estimation of the mean function of a continuous-time stochastic process and its derivatives. The covariance function of the process is assumed to be nonparametric and to satisfy mild smoothness conditions. Assuming that n independent realizations of the process are observed at a sampling design of size N generated by a positive density, we derive the asymptotic bias and variance of the local polynomial estimator as n,N increase to infinity. We deduce optimal sampling densities, optimal...

Local Principal Components Analysis.

Tomàs. Aluja Banet, Ramón Nonell Torrent (1991)


Principal Components Analysis deals mainly with the analysis of large data sets with multivariate structure in an observational context for exploraty purposes. The factorial planes produced will show the main oppositions between variables and individuals. However, we may be interested in going further by controlling the effect of some latent or third variable which expresses some well-defined phenomenon. We go through this by means of a graph among individuals, following the same idea of instrumental...

Local superefficiency of data-driven projection density estimators in continuous time.

Denis Bosq, Delphine Blanke (2004)


We construct a data-driven projection density estimator for continuous time processes. This estimator reaches superoptimal rates over a class F0 of densities that is dense in the family of all possible densities, and a «reasonable» rate elsewhere. The class F0 may be chosen previously by the analyst. Results apply to Rd-valued processes and to N-valued processes. In the particular case where square-integrable local time does exist, it is shown that our estimator is strictly better than the local...

Locally and uniformly best estimators in replicated regression model

Júlia Volaufová, Lubomír Kubáček (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

The aim of the paper is to estimate a function γ = t r ( D β β ' ) + t r ( C ) (with d , C known matrices) in a regression model ( Y , X β , ) with an unknown parameter β and covariance matrix . Stochastically independent replications Y 1 , ... , Y m of the stochastic vector Y are considered, where the estimators of X β and are Y ¯ = 1 m i = 1 m Y i and ^ = ( m - 1 ) - 1 i = 1 m ( Y i - Y ¯ ) ( Y i - Y ¯ ) ' , respectively. Locally and uniformly best inbiased estimators of the function γ , based on Y ¯ and ^ , are given.

Locally most powerful rank tests for testing randomness and symmetry

Nguyen Van Ho (1998)

Applications of Mathematics

Let X i , 1 i N , be N independent random variables (i.r.v.) with distribution functions (d.f.) F i ( x , Θ ) , 1 i N , respectively, where Θ is a real parameter. Assume furthermore that F i ( · , 0 ) = F ( · ) for 1 i N . Let R = ( R 1 , ... , R N ) and R + = ( R 1 + , ... , R N + ) be the rank vectors of X = ( X 1 , ... , X N ) and | X | = ( | X 1 | , ... , | X N | ) , respectively, and let V = ( V 1 , ... , V N ) be the sign vector of X . The locally most powerful rank tests (LMPRT) S = S ( R ) and the locally most powerful signed rank tests (LMPSRT) S = S ( R + , V ) will be found for testing Θ = 0 against Θ > 0 or Θ < 0 with F being arbitrary and with F symmetric, respectively.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 184