Displaying 41 – 60 of 116

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Some mixed finite element methods on anisotropic meshes

Mohamed Farhloul, Serge Nicaise, Luc Paquet (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The paper deals with some mixed finite element methods on a class of anisotropic meshes based on tetrahedra and prismatic (pentahedral) elements. Anisotropic local interpolation error estimates are derived in some anisotropic weighted Sobolev spaces. As particular applications, the numerical approximation by mixed methods of the Laplace equation in domains with edges is investigated where anisotropic finite element meshes are appropriate. Optimal error estimates are obtained using some anisotropic...

Some mixed finite element methods on anisotropic meshes

Mohamed Farhloul, Serge Nicaise, Luc Paquet (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The paper deals with some mixed finite element methods on a class of anisotropic meshes based on tetrahedra and prismatic (pentahedral) elements. Anisotropic local interpolation error estimates are derived in some anisotropic weighted Sobolev spaces. As particular applications, the numerical approximation by mixed methods of the Laplace equation in domains with edges is investigated where anisotropic finite element meshes are appropriate. Optimal error estimates are obtained using some anisotropic...

Some new error estimates for finite element methods for second order hyperbolic equations using the Newmark method

Abdallah Bradji, Jürgen Fuhrmann (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider a family of conforming finite element schemes with piecewise polynomial space of degree k in space for solving the wave equation, as a model for second order hyperbolic equations. The discretization in time is performed using the Newmark method. A new a priori estimate is proved. Thanks to this new a priori estimate, it is proved that the convergence order of the error is h k + τ 2 in the discrete norms of ( 0 , T ; 1 ( Ω ) ) and 𝒲 1 , ( 0 , T ; 2 ( Ω ) ) , where h and τ are the mesh size of the spatial and temporal discretization, respectively....

Some remarks concerning stabilization techniques for convection--diffusion problems

Brandner, Marek, Knobloch, Petr (2019)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

There are many methods and approaches to solving convection--diffusion problems. For those who want to solve such problems the situation is very confusing and it is very difficult to choose the right method. The aim of this short overview is to provide basic guidelines and to mention the common features of different methods. We place particular emphasis on the concept of linear and non-linear stabilization and its implementation within different approaches.

Some results on semilinear systems on the unbounded space R3.

J. M. Mercier (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study in this paper some systems, using standard tools devoted to the analysis of semilinear elliptic problems on R3. These systems do not admit any non trivial radial solutions in the E1 E2 = + 1 cases. A first type of solution consists in a ground state of R (-1,-1), exhibited by variational arguments, whose structure is a finite energy perturbation of a non trivial constant solution of R (-1,-1). A second type consists in a radial, oscillating, asymptotically null at infinity solution in the...

Some superconvergence results of high-degree finite element method for a second order elliptic equation with variable coefficients

Xiaofei Guan, Mingxia Li, Wenming He, Zhengwu Jiang (2014)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, some superconvergence results of high-degree finite element method are obtained for solving a second order elliptic equation with variable coefficients on the inner locally symmetric mesh with respect to a point x 0 for triangular meshes. By using of the weak estimates and local symmetric technique, we obtain improved discretization errors of O(h p+1 |ln h|2) and O(h p+2 |ln h|2) when p (≥ 3) is odd and p (≥ 4) is even, respectively. Meanwhile, the results show that the combination...

Sparse finite element approximation of high-dimensional transport-dominated diffusion problems

Christoph Schwab, Endre Süli, Radu Alexandru Todor (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We develop the analysis of stabilized sparse tensor-product finite element methods for high-dimensional, non-self-adjoint and possibly degenerate second-order partial differential equations of the form - a : u + b · u + c u = f ( x ) , x Ω = ( 0 , 1 ) d d , where a d × d is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix, using piecewise polynomials of degree p ≥ 1. Our convergence analysis is based on new high-dimensional approximation results in sparse tensor-product spaces. We show that the error between the analytical solution u and its stabilized sparse...

Sparse finite element methods for operator equations with stochastic data

Tobias von Petersdorff, Christoph Schwab (2006)

Applications of Mathematics

Let A V V ' be a strongly elliptic operator on a d -dimensional manifold D (polyhedra or boundaries of polyhedra are also allowed). An operator equation A u = f with stochastic data f is considered. The goal of the computation is the mean field and higher moments 1 u V , 2 u V V , ... , k u V V of the solution. We discretize the mean field problem using a FEM with hierarchical basis and N degrees of freedom. We present a Monte-Carlo algorithm and a deterministic algorithm for the approximation of the moment k u for k 1 . The key tool...

Sparse grids for the Schrödinger equation

Michael Griebel, Jan Hamaekers (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a sparse grid/hyperbolic cross discretization for many-particle problems. It involves the tensor product of a one-particle multilevel basis. Subsequent truncation of the associated series expansion then results in a sparse grid discretization. Here, depending on the norms involved, different variants of sparse grid techniques for many-particle spaces can be derived that, in the best case, result in complexities and error estimates which are independent of the number of particles. Furthermore...

Special exact curved finite elements

Jitka Křížková (1991)

Applications of Mathematics

Special exact curved finite elements useful for solving contact problems of the second order in domains boundaries of which consist of a finite number of circular ares and a finite number of line segments are introduced and the interpolation estimates are proved.

Spectral discretization of Darcy equations coupled with Navier-Stokes equations by vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation

Yassine Mabrouki, Jamil Satouri (2022)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a model coupling the Darcy equations in a porous medium with the Navier-Stokes equations in the cracks, for which the coupling is provided by the pressure's continuity on the interface. We discretize the coupled problem by the spectral element method combined with a nonoverlapping domain decomposition method. We prove the existence of solution for the discrete problem and establish an error estimation. We conclude with some numerical tests confirming the results of our analysis.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 116