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One-dimensional model describing the non-linear viscoelastic response of materials

Tomáš Bárta (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we consider a model of a one-dimensional body where strain depends on the history of stress. We show local existence for large data and global existence for small data of classical solutions and convergence of the displacement, strain and stress to zero for time going to infinity.

Small vertical vibrations of strings with moving ends.

Tania Nunes Rabello, María Cristina Campos Vieira, Cicero Lopes Frota, Luis Adauto Medeiros (2003)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this work we investigate a mathematical model for small vertical vibrations of a stretched string when the ends vary with the time t and the cross sections of the string is variable and the density of the material is also variable, that is, p=p(x). It contains Kirchhoff model for fixed ends. We obtain solutions by Galerkin method and estimates in Sobolev spaces.

Solvability of a dynamic rational contact with limited interpenetration for viscoelastic plates

Jiří Jarušek (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

Solvability of the rational contact with limited interpenetration of different kind of viscolastic plates is proved. The biharmonic plates, von Kármán plates, Reissner-Mindlin plates, and full von Kármán systems are treated. The viscoelasticity can have the classical (``short memory'') form or the form of a certain singular memory. For all models some convergence of the solutions to the solutions of the Signorini contact is proved provided the thickness of the interpenetration tends to zero.

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