Displaying 221 – 240 of 325

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On coupled thermoelastic vibration of geometrically nonlinear thin plates satisfying generalized mechanical and thermal conditions on the boundary and on the surface

Hans-Ullrich Wenk (1982)

Aplikace matematiky

The vibration problem in two variables is derived from the spatial situation (a plate as a three-dimensional body) on the basis of geometrically nonlinear plate theory (using Kármán's hypothesis) and coupled linear thermoelasticity. That leads to coupled strongly nonlinear two-dimensional equilibrium and heat conducting equations (under classical mechanical and thermal boundary conditions). For the generalized problem with subgradient conditions on the boundary and in the domain (including also...

On equilibrium finite elements in three-dimensional case

Sergey Korotov (1997)

Applications of Mathematics

The space of divergence-free functions with vanishing normal flux on the boundary is approximated by subspaces of finite elements that have the same property. The easiest way of generating basis functions in these subspaces is considered.

On finite element uniqueness studies for Coulombs frictional contact model

Patrick Hild (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We are interested in the finite element approximation of Coulomb's frictional unilateral contact problem in linear elasticity. Using a mixed finite element method and an appropriate regularization, it becomes possible to prove existence and uniqueness when the friction coefficient is less than Cε^{2}|log(h)|^{-1}, where h and ε denote the discretization and regularization parameters, respectively. This bound converging very slowly towards 0 when h decreases (in comparison with the already known...

On the dynamical behaviour of plates in unilateral contact with an elastic foundation: a finite element approach.

Luigi Ascione, Domenico Bruno, Renato S. Olivito (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In questo lavoro viene studiato il comportamento dinamico di una piastra vincolata monolateralmente su una fondazione elastica alla Winkler. Si presentano alcuni risultati numerici ottenuti mediante discretizzazione agli elementi finiti. Tali risultati mettono in luce l'influenza di alcuni fattori tipici come le funzioni di forma, il parametro di mesh e l'ampiezza dell'intervallo con cui si realizza l'integrazione nel tempo delle equazioni del moto. Si istituiscono infine dei confronti con risultati...

On the existence of a weak solution of the boundary value problem for the equilibrium of a shallow shell reinforced with stiffening ribs

Igor Bock, Ján Lovíšek (1978)

Aplikace matematiky

The existence and the unicity of a weak solution of the boundary value problem for a shallow shell reinforced with stiffening ribs is proved by the direct variational method. The boundary value problem is solved in the space W ( Ω ) H 0 1 ( Ω ) × H 0 1 ( Ω ) × H 0 2 ( Ω ) , on which the corresponding bilinear form is coercive. A finite element method for numerical solution is introduced. The approximate solutions converge to a weak solution in the space Q ( Ω ) .

On the nonlinear behaviour of bimodular multilayer ed plates.

Giacinto Porco, Giuseppe Spandea, Raffaele Zinno (1991)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In an earlier study [16] the nonlinear behaviour of unimodular laminated plates was studied. This paper, following the previous study, concerns a large deflection analysis of moderately thick rectangular plates having arbitrary boundary conditions and finite thickness shear moduli. The plates are manufactured in bimodular materials and constructed in a cross-ply fashion or in a single layer with arbitrary fibre direction angle. Numerical results are obtained by a finite element technique in which...

On the numerical modeling of deformations of pressurized martensitic thin films

Pavel Bělík, Timothy Brule, Mitchell Luskin (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We propose, analyze, and compare several numerical methods for the computation of the deformation of a pressurized martensitic thin film. Numerical results have been obtained for the hysteresis of the deformation as the film transforms reversibly from austenite to martensite.

On the Numerical Modeling of Deformations of Pressurized Martensitic Thin Films

Pavel Bělík, Timothy Brule, Mitchell Luskin (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We propose, analyze, and compare several numerical methods for the computation of the deformation of a pressurized martensitic thin film. Numerical results have been obtained for the hysteresis of the deformation as the film transforms reversibly from austenite to martensite.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 325