Displaying 181 – 200 of 1376

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Artificial neural networks in time series forecasting: a comparative analysis

Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga, Rodrigo Salas (2002)


Artificial neural networks (ANN) have received a great deal of attention in many fields of engineering and science. Inspired by the study of brain architecture, ANN represent a class of non-linear models capable of learning from data. ANN have been applied in many areas where statistical methods are traditionally employed. They have been used in pattern recognition, classification, prediction and process control. The purpose of this paper is to discuss ANN and compare them to non-linear time series...

Asymptotic behavior of solutions to an area-preserving motion by crystalline curvature

Shigetoshi Yazaki (2007)


Asymptotic behavior of solutions of an area-preserving crystalline curvature flow equation is investigated. In this equation, the area enclosed by the solution polygon is preserved, while its total interfacial crystalline energy keeps on decreasing. In the case where the initial polygon is essentially admissible and convex, if the maximal existence time is finite, then vanishing edges are essentially admissible edges. This is a contrast to the case where the initial polygon is admissible and convex:...

Asymptotic behaviour of a transport equation

Ryszard Rudnicki (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the asymptotic behaviour of the semigroup of Markov operators generated by the equation u t + b u x + c u = a 0 a x u ( t , a x - y ) μ ( d y ) . We prove that for a > 1 this semigroup is asymptotically stable. We show that for a ≤ 1 this semigroup, properly normalized, converges to a limit which depends only on a.

Asymptotic behaviour of stochastic systems with conditionally exponential decay property

Agnieszka Jurlewicz, Aleksander Weron, Karina Weron (1996)

Applicationes Mathematicae

A new class of CED systems, providing insight into behaviour of physical disordered materials, is introduced. It includes systems in which the conditionally exponential decay property can be attached to each entity. A limit theorem for the normalized minimum of a CED system is proved. Employing different stable schemes the universal characteristics of the behaviour of such systems are derived.

Asymptotic Feynman–Kac formulae for large symmetrised systems of random walks

Stefan Adams, Tony Dorlas (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study large deviations principles for N random processes on the lattice ℤd with finite time horizon [0, β] under a symmetrised measure where all initial and terminal points are uniformly averaged over random permutations. That is, given a permutation σ of N elements and a vector (x1, …, xN) of N initial points we let the random processes terminate in the points (xσ(1), …, xσ(N)) and then sum over all possible permutations and initial points, weighted with an initial distribution. We prove level-two...

Asymptotic self-similar blow-up for a model of aggregation

Ignacio Guerra (2004)

Banach Center Publications

In this article we consider a system of equations that describes a class of mass-conserving aggregation phenomena, including gravitational collapse and bacterial chemotaxis. In spatial dimensions strictly larger than two, and under the assumptions of radial symmetry, it is known that this system has at least two stable mechanisms of singularity formation (see e.g. M. P. Brenner et al. 1999, Nonlinearity 12, 1071-1098); one type is self-similar, and may be viewed as a trade-off between diffusion...

Asymptotic shape for the chemical distance and first-passage percolation on the infinite Bernoulli cluster

Olivier Garet, Régine Marchand (2004)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The aim of this paper is to extend the well-known asymptotic shape result for first-passage percolation on d to first-passage percolation on a random environment given by the infinite cluster of a supercritical Bernoulli percolation model. We prove the convergence of the renormalized set of wet vertices to a deterministic shape that does not depend on the realization of the infinite cluster. As a special case of our result, we obtain an asymptotic shape theorem for the chemical distance in supercritical...

Asymptotic shape for the chemical distance and first-passage percolation on the infinite Bernoulli cluster

Olivier Garet, Régine Marchand (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The aim of this paper is to extend the well-known asymptotic shape result for first-passage percolation on d to first-passage percolation on a random environment given by the infinite cluster of a supercritical Bernoulli percolation model. We prove the convergence of the renormalized set of wet vertices to a deterministic shape that does not depend on the realization of the infinite cluster. As a special case of our result, we obtain an asymptotic shape theorem for the chemical distance in supercritical...

Asymptotic stability of stationary solutions to the drift-diffusion model in the whole space

Ryo Kobayashi, Masakazu Yamamoto, Shuichi Kawashima (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the initial value problem for the drift-diffusion model arising in semiconductor device simulation and plasma physics. We show that the corresponding stationary problem in the whole space ℝn admits a unique stationary solution in a general situation. Moreover, it is proved that when n ≥ 3, a unique solution to the initial value problem exists globally in time and converges to the corresponding stationary solution as time tends to infinity, provided that the amplitude of the stationary solution...

Asymptotics of counts of small components in random structures and models of coagulation-fragmentation

Boris L. Granovsky (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence (in the sense of finite dimensional distributions) of multiplicative measures on the set of partitions. The multiplicative measures depict distributions of component spectra of random structures and also the equilibria of classic models of statistical mechanics and stochastic processes of coagulation-fragmentation. We show that the convergence of multiplicative measures is equivalent to the asymptotic independence of counts of...

Asymptotics of the partition function of a random matrix model

Pavel M. Bleher, Alexander Its (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove a number of results concerning the large N asymptotics of the free energy of a random matrix model with a polynomial potential. Our approach is based on a deformation of potential and on the use of the underlying integrable structures of the matrix model. The main results include the existence of a full asymptotic expansion in even powers of N of the recurrence coefficients of the related orthogonal polynomials for a one-cut regular potential and the double scaling asymptotics of the free...

Atomistic to Continuum limits for computational materials science

Xavier Blanc, Claude Le Bris, Pierre-Louis Lions (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The present article is an overview of some mathematical results, which provide elements of rigorous basis for some multiscale computations in materials science. The emphasis is laid upon atomistic to continuum limits for crystalline materials. Various mathematical approaches are addressed. The setting is stationary. The relation to existing techniques used in the engineering literature is investigated.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 1376