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Stochastic Solution of a KPP-Type Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equation

Cipriano, F., Ouerdiane, H., Vilela Mendes, R. (2009)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 76M35, 82B31A stochastic solution is constructed for a fractional generalization of the KPP (Kolmogorov, Petrovskii, Piskunov) equation. The solution uses a fractional generalization of the branching exponential process and propagation processes which are spectral integrals of Levy processes.

Strong diamagnetism for general domains and application

Soeren Fournais, Bernard Helffer (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider the Neumann Laplacian with constant magnetic field on a regular domain in 2 . Let B be the strength of the magnetic field and let λ 1 ( B ) be the first eigenvalue of this Laplacian. It is proved that B λ 1 ( B ) is monotone increasing for large B . Together with previous results of the authors, this implies the coincidence of all the “third” critical fields for strongly type 2 superconductors.

Strong disorder in semidirected random polymers

N. Zygouras (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider a random walk in a random potential, which models a situation of a random polymer and we study the annealed and quenched costs to perform long crossings from a point to a hyperplane. These costs are measured by the so called Lyapounov norms. We identify situations where the point-to-hyperplane annealed and quenched Lyapounov norms are different. We also prove that in these cases the polymer path exhibits localization.

Study of a three component Cahn-Hilliard flow model

Franck Boyer, Céline Lapuerta (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we propose a new diffuse interface model for the study of three immiscible component incompressible viscous flows. The model is based on the Cahn-Hilliard free energy approach. The originality of our study lies in particular in the choice of the bulk free energy. We show that one must take care of this choice in order for the model to give physically relevant results. More precisely, we give conditions for the model to be well-posed and to satisfy algebraically and dynamically consistency...

Supercritical self-avoiding walks are space-filling

Hugo Duminil-Copin, Gady Kozma, Ariel Yadin (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In this article, we consider the following model of self-avoiding walk: the probability of a self-avoiding trajectory γ between two points on the boundary of a finite subdomain of d is proportional to μ - length ( γ ) . When μ is supercritical (i.e. μ l t ; μ c where μ c is the connective constant of the lattice), we show that the random trajectory becomes space-filling when taking the scaling limit.

Superdiffusive bounds on self-repellent precesses in d = 2 — extended abstract

Bálint Tóth, Benedek Valkó (2010)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

We prove superdiffusivity with multiplicative logarithmic corrections for a class of models of random walks and diffusions with long memory. The family of models includes the “true” (or “myopic”) self-avoiding random walk, self-repelling Durrett-Rogers polymer model and diffusion in the curl-field of (mollified) massless free Gaussian field in 2D. We adapt methods developed in the context of bulk diffusion of ASEP by Landim-Quastel-Salmhofer-Yau (2004).

Superdiffusivity for brownian motion in a poissonian potential with long range correlation I: Lower bound on the volume exponent

Hubert Lacoin (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study trajectories of d -dimensional Brownian Motion in Poissonian potential up to the hitting time of a distant hyper-plane. Our Poissonian potential V is constructed from a field of traps whose centers location is given by a Poisson Point Process and whose radii are IID distributed with a common distribution that has unbounded support; it has the particularity of having long-range correlation. We focus on the case where the law of the trap radii ν has power-law decay and prove that superdiffusivity...

Superdiffusivity for brownian motion in a poissonian potential with long range correlation II: Upper bound on the volume exponent

Hubert Lacoin (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This paper continues a study on trajectories of Brownian Motion in a field of soft trap whose radius distribution is unbounded. We show here that for both point-to-point and point-to-plane model the volume exponent (the exponent associated to transversal fluctuation of the trajectories) ξ is strictly less than 1 and give an explicit upper bound that depends on the parameters of the problem. In some specific cases, this upper bound matches the lower bound proved in the first part of this work and...

Supersymmetry, Witten complex and asymptotics for directional Lyapunov exponents in 𝐙 d

Wei-Min Wang (1999)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

By using a supersymmetric gaussian representation, we transform the averaged Green's function for random walks in random potentials into a 2-point correlation function of a corresponding lattice field theory. We study the resulting lattice field theory using the Witten laplacian formulation. We obtain the asymptotics for the directional Lyapunov exponents.

Currently displaying 1121 – 1140 of 1376