Displaying 201 – 220 of 226

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Optimal streams of premiums in multiperiod credibility models

L. Gajek, P. Miś, J. Słowińska (2007)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Optimal arrangement of a stream of insurance premiums for a multiperiod insurance policy is considered. In order to satisfy solvency requirements we assume that a weak Axiom of Solvency is satisfied. Then two optimization problems are solved: finding a stream of net premiums that approximates optimally 1) future claims, or 2) "anticipating premiums". It is shown that the resulting optimal streams of premiums enable differentiating between policyholders much more quickly than one-period credibility...

Optimality conditions for a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints: strongly regular case

Jiří V. Outrata (1999)


The paper deals with mathematical programs, where parameter-dependent nonlinear complementarity problems arise as side constraints. Using the generalized differential calculus for nonsmooth and set-valued mappings due to B. Mordukhovich, we compute the so-called coderivative of the map assigning the parameter the (set of) solutions to the respective complementarity problem. This enables, in particular, to derive useful 1st-order necessary optimality conditions, provided the complementarity problem...

Optimality of the replicating strategy for American options

Marek Kociński (1999)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to study the problem of optimality of replicating strategies associated with pricing of American contingent claims in the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model with proportional transaction costs. We show that a replication of the option is always possible. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of a replicating strategy which is optimal, and also show an example of an optimal replicating strategy that is not optimal in the global sense.

Optimisation de plans de financement immobiliers

Frédéric Gardi (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

La finance de marché est devenue un des domaines d'ap- plication privilégiés de la recherche opérationnelle. D'un autre côté, rares sont les applications touchant la banque de détail, tournée vers le grand public. Dans ce papier, nous abordons un problème d'actualité dans le secteur bancaire français : l'optimisation de plans de financement immobiliers. Le travail que nous présentons a été effectué dans le cadre du développement par la société Experian-Prologia d'une nouvelle application d'instruction...

Optimization of parameters in the Menzerath–Altmann law

Ján Andres, Lubomír Kubáček, Jitka Machalová, Michaela Tučková (2012)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

Four formulas of the Menzerath–Altmann law are tested from the point of view of their applicability and suitability. The accuracy of related approximations of measured data is examined by the least square method at first. Then the accuracy of calculated parameters in the formulas under consideration is compared statistically. The influence of neglecting parameter c is investigated as well. Finally, the obtained results are discussed by means of an illustrative example from quantitative linguistics....

Optimization of Parameters in the Menzerath–Altmann Law, II

Ján Andres, Martina Benešová, Martina Chvosteková, Eva Fišerová (2014)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

The paper continues our studies released under the same title [Andres, J., Kubáček, L., Machalová, J., Tučková, M.: Optimization of parameters in the Menzerath–Altmann law Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Math. 51, 1 (2012), 5–27.]. As the main result justifying the conclusions in [Andres, J., Kubáček, L., Machalová, J., Tučková, M.: Optimization of parameters in the Menzerath–Altmann law Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Math. 51, 1 (2012), 5–27.], the theorem is presented...

Option pricing in a CEV model with liquidity costs

Krzysztof Turek (2016)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The goal of this paper is to make an attempt to generalise the model of pricing European options with an illiquid underlying asset considered by Rogers and Singh (2010). We assume that an investor's decisions have only a temporary effect on the price, which is proportional to the square of the change of the number of asset units in the investor's portfolio. We also assume that the underlying asset price follows a CEV model. To prove existence and uniqueness of the solution, we use techniques similar...

Option valuation under the VG process by a DG method

Jiří Hozman, Tomáš Tichý (2021)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper presents a discontinuous Galerkin method for solving partial integro-differential equations arising from the European as well as American option pricing when the underlying asset follows an exponential variance gamma process. For practical purposes of numerical solving we introduce the modified option pricing problem resulting from a localization to a bounded domain and an approximation of small jumps, and we discuss the related error estimates. Then we employ a robust numerical procedure...

Optional splitting formula in a progressively enlarged filtration

Shiqi Song (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let 𝔽 F be a filtration andτbe a random time. Let 𝔾 G be the progressive enlargement of 𝔽 F withτ. We study the following formula, called the optional splitting formula: For any 𝔾 G-optional processY, there exists an 𝔽 F-optional processY′ and a function Y′′ defined on [0,∞] × (ℝ+ × Ω) being [ 0 , ] 𝒪 ( 𝔽 ) ℬ[0,∞]⊗x1d4aa;(F) measurable, such that Y = Y ' 1 [ 0 , τ ) + Y ' ' ( τ ) 1 [ τ , ) . Y=Y′1[0,τ)+Y′′(τ)1[τ,∞). (This formula can also be formulated for multiple random timesτ1,...,τk). We are interested in this formula because of its fundamental role in many...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 226