Displaying 101 – 120 of 130

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Top responsiveness and Nash stability in coalition formation games

Dinko Dimitrov, Shao Chin Sung (2006)


Top responsiveness was shown by Alcalde and Revilla [AR] to guarantee the existence of core stable partitions in hedonic coalition formation games. In this paper we prove the existence of Nash stable partitions under top responsiveness when a mutuality condition is imposed.

Tournois et ordres médians pour une opinion

B. Monjardet (1973)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Dans cet article on étudie les propriétés d’ordres totaux à distance minimum d’un ensemble de tournois ; on montre, par exemple, que ces ordres contiennent l’ordre d’unanimité. On étudie la fonction f ( n , v ) maximum de la distance entre un ordre total et v tournois définis sur un ensemble à n éléments ; on donne sa valeur exacte pour v pair, un encadrement pour v impair, et sa valeur limite pour v tendant vers l’infini.

Transformación de principios de consistencia aleatorios en determinísticos.

Miguel Sanchez García, Antonio Pérez, M.ª Josefa Domench (1988)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

En la Teoría de la Decisión en Grupo, cuando los expertos emiten su información sobre los objetos de una manera probabilística, se pueden construir Principios de Consistencia que satisfagan los cinco principios de racionalidad y no sean dictatoriales [ver Sánchez-Pérez-Domench (1986)].Partiendo de esta situación, en el presente artículo se analizan y proponen diferentes métodos y algoritmos para transformar relaciones sociales aleatorias en determinísticas, continuando y completando así investigaciones...

Transitive decomposition of fuzzy preference relations: the case of nilpotent minimum

Susana Díaz, Susana Montes, Bernard De Baets (2004)


Transitivity is a fundamental notion in preference modelling. In this work we study this property in the framework of additive fuzzy preference structures. In particular, we depart from a large preference relation that is transitive w.r.t. the nilpotent minimum t-norm and decompose it into an indifference and strict preference relation by means of generators based on t-norms, i. e. using a Frank t-norm as indifference generator. We identify the strongest type of transitivity these indifference and...

Turnpike theorems by a value function approach

Alain Rapaport, Pierre Cartigny (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Turnpike theorems deal with the optimality of trajectories reaching a singular solution, in calculus of variations or optimal control problems. For scalar calculus of variations problems in infinite horizon, linear with respect to the derivative, we use the theory of viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations to obtain a unique characterization of the value function. With this approach, we extend for the scalar case the classical result based on Green theorem, when there is uniqueness of the...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 130