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A mathematical model is proposed for a quantitative estimation of the damage to biological resources resulting from a pollutant discharge into an aqueous environment. On the basis of the Lagrangian description of fluid motion a set of hydrophysical parameters is introduced with help of which hydrobiologists can estimate the damage. The computation of parameters introduced is illustrated by the example of a model problem of a pollutant spreading in a canal. For the discretization of the problem a...
In this paper, we study the dynamics of a reaction-diffusion Cellular Nonlinear Network (RD-CNN) nodel in which the reaction term is represented by Brusselator cell. We investigate the RD-CNN dynamics by means of describing function method. Comparison with classical results for Brusselator equation is provided. Then we introduce a new RD-CNN model with memristor coupling, for which the edge of chaos regime in the parameter space is determined. Numerical simulations are presented for obtaining dynamic...
A model which consists of a predator and two prey species is presented. The prey compete for the same limited resource (food). The predator preys on both prey species but with different severity. We show that the coexistence of all three species is possible in a mean-field approach, whereas from Monte Carlo simulation it follows that the stochastic fluctuations drive one of the prey populations into extinction.
Für die Lösungen seminlinearer parabolischer Differentialgleichungen werden Einschliessungsaussagen hergeleitet. Hierbei werden Aussagen zur Stabilität von Lösungen ermittelt. Die Resultate werden am Beispiel der Fitzhugh-Nagumo Gleichungen diskutiert.
The paper presents an algorithm which solves the shortest path problem in an arbitrary deterministic environment with n states with an emotional agent in linear time. The algorithm originates from an algorithm which in exponential time solves the same problem, and the agent architecture used for solving the problem is an NN-CAA architecture (neural network crossbar adaptive array). By implementing emotion learning, the linear time algorithm is obtained and the agent architecture is modified. The...
This paper is devoted to the study of a predator-prey model in a patchy environment.
The model represents the interactions between phytoplankton and zooplankton in the water column.
Two patches are considered with respect to light availability: one patch is associated to the
surface layer, the second patch describes the bottom layer. We show that this spatial heterogeneity
may destabilize the predator-prey system, even in oligotrophic system where the nutrient is low
enough to avoid ”paradox-enrichment”...
The paper presents an improved method for 1-24 hours load forecasting in the power system, integrating and combining different neural forecasting results by an ensemble system. We will integrate the results of partial predictions made by three solutions, out of which one relies on a multilayer perceptron and two others on self-organizing networks of the competitive type. As the expert system we will apply different integration methods: simple averaging, SVD based weighted averaging, principal component...
Hasta hace tan sólo unos años, era característico en el profesional médico un profundo desconocimiento de la Metodología Estadística y su utilidad, un hecho claramente cuestionado. Gracias a la intensa labor divulgativa, la mayoría de los investigadores médicos reconocen ya la importancia de los Métodos Estadísticos. Contamos, al menos, con un notable cambio de actitud por parte de los investigadores médicos. Sin embargo, el papel adjuticado a la Estadística en los nuevos planes de estudio no está...
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