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A Bayesian Spatial Mixture Model for FMRI Analysis

Geliazkova, Maya (2010)

Serdica Journal of Computing

We develop, implement and study a new Bayesian spatial mixture model (BSMM). The proposed BSMM allows for spatial structure in the binary activation indicators through a latent thresholded Gaussian Markov random field. We develop a Gibbs (MCMC) sampler to perform posterior inference on the model parameters, which then allows us to assess the posterior probabilities of activation for each voxel. One purpose of this article is to compare the HJ model and the BSMM in terms of receiver operating characteristics...

A beginner's guide to adaptive dynamics

Odo Diekmann (2003)

Banach Center Publications

The aim of these notes is to illustrate, largely by way of examples, how standard ecological models can be put into an evolutionary perspective in order to gain insight in the role of natural selection in shaping life history characteristics. We limit ourselves to phenotypic evolution under clonal reproduction (that is, we simply ignore the importance of genes and sex). Another basic assumption is that mutation occurs on a time scale which is long relative to the time scale of convergence...

A biochemical multi-species quality model of a drinking water distribution system for simulation and design

Krzysztof Arminski, Tomasz Zubowicz, Mietek A. Brdys (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Drinking Water Distribution Systems (DWDSs) play a key role in sustainable development of modern society. They are classified as critical infrastructure systems. This imposes a large set of highly demanding requirements on the DWDS operation and requires dedicated algorithms for on-line monitoring and control to tackle related problems. Requirements on DWDS availability restrict the usability of the real plant in the design phase. Thus, a proper model is crucial. Within this paper a DWDS multi-species...

A comparison of coupled and uncoupled solvers for the cardiac Bidomain model

P. Colli Franzone, L. F. Pavarino, S. Scacchi (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The aim of this work is to compare a new uncoupled solver for the cardiac Bidomain model with a usual coupled solver. The Bidomain model describes the bioelectric activity of the cardiac tissue and consists of a system of a non-linear parabolic reaction-diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) and an elliptic linear PDE. This system models at macroscopic level the evolution of the transmembrane and extracellular electric potentials of the anisotropic cardiac tissue. The evolution equation is...

A Computational Framework to Assess the Efficacy of Cytotoxic Molecules and Vascular Disrupting Agents against Solid Tumours

M. Pons-Salort, B. van der Sanden, A. Juhem, A. Popov, A. Stéphanou (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A computational framework for testing the effects of cytotoxic molecules, specific to a given phase of the cell cycle, and vascular disrupting agents (VDAs) is presented. The model is based on a cellular automaton to describe tumour cell states transitions from proliferation to death. It is coupled with a model describing the tumour vasculature and its adaptation to the blood rheological constraints when alterations are induced by VDAs treatment....

A Cost-Effectiveness-Assessing Model of Vaccination for Varicella and Zoster

M. Comba, S. Martorano-Raimundo, E. Venturino (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A decision analytical model is presented and analysed to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine vaccination against varicella and herpes-zoster, or shingles. These diseases have as common aetiological agent the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Zoster can more likely occur in aged people with declining cell-mediated immunity. The general concern is that universal varicella vaccination might lead to more cases of zoster: with more...

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